Chapter 61

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[Mika's POV]

On my arrival at the hotel, I decided to take bath first before taking my dinner. I dipped on the bathtub as I keep one thinking about what I saw earlier.

I thought I will be okay after seeing him happy but it still hurts.

After a minute, my phone ring, and I also decided to get up from the tub before I take the call from Kaede.

Me: "Moshi Moshi?"

Kaede: "Mi-chi!!! It's been a long time, how are you? I heard you are in Milan right now"

Me: "I'm fine Kaede, well yeah, it's been a long time not talking to you, and sorry if I was too busy"

Kaede: "Hmm... I really miss you Mi-chi anyways, are you two going back to Japan to celebrate new year's eve?"

Me: "I don't know"

Kaede: "Mi-chi... Are you still not opening your social media account?"

Me: "Yes"

Kaede: "I see so... you still don't know the news?"

Me: "News? About what?"

Kaede: "Ow... I see, actually, these past few days, there's a photo leaked in IG, it was still unconfirmed whether it was real or edited but the photo was Yuki-san was caught dating someone and it feels they are in a serious relationship"


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