The Volleyball Girl and The Player? (Edited)

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  "But, Mommy, I don't want you to leave me here with all these strangers," a five year old, Raya, whines as her mom is getting ready to leave the kindergarten room.

 "I know, sweetheart, but trust me. It's for your own good. And these kids aren't strangers anymore, they are your classmates," her mom replies before kissing Raya's head and leaving the room.

Raya sits down on a little chair that is seated at a small table and tears well up in her eyes.

  "Oh! Is the poor little baby going to cry?" A six year old, Hunter, says with an evil glint in his eyes. His newly found friends start laughing and he grins at them before turning his attention back to the cute little girl with blond piggy-tails.

   Raya whips back around and glares at Hunter.

"Mind your own business," Raya snaps at the boy but he just grins sweetly at her which only succeeds in irritating Raya even more.

   "Or what? Are you going to cry if I don't?" Hunter replies.

"Maybe or maybe I'll just do this," Raya answers and when Hunter looks confused, Raya proceeds to lift her foot and slam it down as hard as she can on Hunter's foot.

And with that the war between the two little kids begins. Raya is hurt by the things Hunter says to her as the years go by, but there is no way she would ever tell him that.

  Too bad Raya didn't realize that little boys only pick on the girls they have a crush on...


"Faster! You have to swing your arm faster down, Jo!" Coach yells at one of the younger girls, a freshman I think. I glance at my best friend, LJ, and she grins back at me.

 LJ and I are seniors this year and we both know that our volleyball coach has no patience for stupidity. If you don't get it the first time Coach says something, she will blow up in your face. Been there and done that.

 Jo is a freshmen this year and she is not the brightest crayon in the box if you catch my drift. So, as a result Coach has resorted to yelling at her for not spiking the ball correctly.

This is our third day of practice this year and it's already obvious who is going to be on Varsity and who is going to be on JV.

   "Brennings, get over here and show these Fresh-meat how it's done before I kick them all off the team on the third day of freaking practice," Coach snaps and I jog over to where the ninth graders are standing.

   I smile at them in order to try and soothe them, but I don't think it worked very well.

  "Ok, guys, well first let's learn how to approach the ball, ok?" I suggest and some of them nod uncertainly.

  "Why isn't Coach showing us? No offense, but I doubt you could teach anybody how to spike correctly," a girls sneers and I turn towards her.

 "What was that? I don't think I heard what you said," I say and narrow my eyes at her before walking towards her. The other girls watch me like I am a predator circling my prey. The girl looks like she is about to back down and apologize, but when her friends start cheering her on she stands up straighter.

    "Do you like volleyball?" I ask her and she nods and glares at me.

"Well, one word from me and Coach will kick you off this team so fast, you probably couldn't even think that fast," I warn and she rolls her eyes.

  "Ohh, I’m so scared," she says, but I can see the worry in her eyes.

"Well, I would be. She listens to me because I am the best spiker on this team and if you want any chance at all to play volleyball at this school you better not disrespect me again," I say and she is silent for a minute before nodding slowly.

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