Chapter 20: Pressure

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  "Throw the dang ball!" Coach screams at me during practice. I shake my head, to clear my mind, and look down field and see that Tyler is wide open. I pull my arm back and throw a perfect spiral pass to him. Tyler in turn catches the ball and takes off like a rocket.

    Tyler is almost always the key to all of our plays because he is the wide receiver. And yes, being that has made him more than arrogant, but he is the only one on the team with enough speed and agility to get the job done.

   Tyler sprints towards the goal post and doesn't stop until he has crossed the line. With that he throws the ball to the ground and starts dancing all around. I roll my eyes at his antics but can't stop the grin from forming on my face.

  "Alright everybody, as you know, tomorrow is our first game and it is also a home game. So that not only means that we have to win, it also means we have to dominate!" Coach explains and a chorus of agreements are shouted out by everybody.

   "Hunter, I need to talk to you before you change out," Coach says and we break the team huddle and everybody else goes and changes out.

  "What's up, Coach?" I ask him and he shakes his head at me.

"Where was your head at during practice today? You do realize that our first game of the season is tomorrow, right?!" Coach snaps and I sigh.

   "I know, it's just... I was.. Distracted," I mumble and Coach scowls at me.

"You are the quarterback and captain for a reason, kid, don't make me regret that decision. I don't want to have to sub Conner in for you tomorrow, okay?" Coach says and I glare at the ground.

    "You won't have to,"

"I better not,"

  "Yes sire," I say and he nods at me. I walk into the locker room and sigh. Will, Jerron, Luke, and Tyler all walk up to me and Jerron pats my back.

   "Were you guys listening?" I ask and they all grin sheepishly.

"Yeah, seriously, Coach is full of it," Jerron mutters.

   "Seriously, dude, everybody knows you are the only one that is going to get us any wins this season, not that a-hole Conner," Luke points out and I roll my eyes.

  "Yeah, well let's just hope that we win tomorrow otherwise you know who is going to be QB," I mutter. We all look over at Conner. As if he can feel us staring, he glances over at us and smirks like he knows what we are talking about.

   "That guy is so full of it," Will spits out.

"He needs to be brought down a peg," Tyler says and Jerron starts grinning evilly.

   "I have a plan," Jerron says and we all stare at him in a panic.

 "NO!" We all shout at him. Jerron scowls at us.

"Fine...You don't get to know then!" Jerron says and spits his tongue out at us.

    "That sounds good to me," I say and Jerron narrows his eyes even further.

When Jerron and I finally get back to his house, I see my parents car sitting in the Lemons' driveway. I swallow and look over at Jerron. He shrugs at me and we both walk into his house.

  I see my parents sitting with Mr. and Mrs. Lemons in the living room. I sigh and clear my throat. Everybody looks at me and Mom looks ready to cry.

 "Oh, Hunter," Mom says and jumps up and hugs me. I stiffly hug her back and Dad walks over to us. I look at him and he sighs.

   "Son, are you going to come home?" Dad asks with his deep voice. I purse my lips and look over at Jerron. Jerron in turn raises his eyebrows and shrugs at me.

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