Chapter 7:

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   Sitting in my next period class after lunch, which just so happens to be English and i just so happen to have that class with Raya, i notice that she refuses to even glance my way. So, i solve the problem. I stand up right in the middle of the teachers lecture and walk over to the desk right next to Raya's and the guy who is sitting there looks up at me in awe.

"Can you move?" I ask and he stands up ubruptly and stumbles away. Ahh, the power of being awesome. Raya glares at her notebook, but still refuses to look at me.

  "Is there a problem with the seat you were at, Mr. Johnson?" Mr. Clevy, the teacher, asks and i shrug at me.


"Then may i ask why you moved?" He asks and i shrug again.

  "I like this seat better," I reply and the teacher shakes his head before going back to teaching. Another great thing about being awesome is that all the teachers let me get away with anything.

"That was really mean," Raya whispers and i stare at her in confusion.

   "What was?"I ask her.

"The way you treated Bret," she says and again i am confused.

   "Who is Bret," I whisper back.

"You are insuferable!" She snaps and the teacher gives her a warning glare.

  "I seriously don't know who you are talking about," I whisper and she rolls her eyes and i can see thhe anger radiating off of her in waves.

 "I am freaking talking about that guy that you just kicked out of that seat," she snaps and i look at her in surprise.

"Raya, do you have something to share with the class?" Mr. Clevy asks and Raya clenches her jaw.

   "Hunter was talking too," she says and Mr. Clevy stares at her.

"I only heard you talking,"

  "But...fine, fine fine, i am sorry," Raya says and glares at her hands, which are curled into fists.

Mr. Clevy gives her one more warning glance and goes back to teaching.

 "You shouldn't have screamed," I tease and she looks ready to murder me, or worse, castrate me.

"Screw you," she snaps quietly and i grin suggestively at her and she narrows her eyes at me.

  "Are you offering?"


 "Because i know we could find a private place where i would make you scream, but it would be my name you'd be screaming," I whisper and she practically flies out of her seat.

 "Not on your life, Johnson!" She yells.

  "Raya! How many times are you going to dissrupt my class?"

"It's Hunter's fault," she snaps.

  "I don't care whose fault it was! Detention after school," Mr. Clevy snaps back and Raya looks defeated.

   "I have volleyball practice after school," she mumbles and Mr. Clevy scowls at her.

"You should have thought about that before you dissrupted my class not once, but twice," he snaps and Raya sits down in defeat.

  "Excuse me , sir, bbut i was to blame in this situation," I say and Raya glances at me in confusion.

  "...Well, you both can be in detention then,"  he says in confusion and I nod my head.

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