Chapter 12: Sabotage

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Raya's POV:

   "Come on, girls! Our first game is tomorrow and I need  all of you to focus on the game! Stop messing around and concentrate!" Coach yells at us as the third person on a row missed her serve.

  "Sorry, Coach," the girl mutters and Coach scowls at her before turning back to me and signaling for me to serve the ball.

  I serve it with all my power make sure that I snap and follow through. The ball smacks the court on the other side of the net with so much power that some of the girls gasp and stare at me in shock.

  I smirk and try not to feel to cocky, but its kind of hard when you are the best server on the team.

  "Finally! See? That's how it's done, girls," Coach snaps and LJ grins at me and smacks my back with friendly pride.

  "Take notes," LJ tells everyone and a few of the girls glare at her, but LJ could care less and she simply smirks at them.

 "Be careful there, LJ, you might just end up getting jumped when you are walking home," I explain and she laughs.

 "I'm not to worried," she replies.

  As practice goes on I realize that our varsity team is going to have four NEW players and that tomorrow we all have to in sink otherwise we are going to lose our first game of the season and everybody knows that's a horrible way to start the season.

  Coach thought it was a good idea to have some of the Freshman, who she thought were good enough, start on varsity to see how well they cope with all the pressure and intensity and then she will decide whether or not to let them be full time varsity.

  Personally I think it's a mistake because they haven't even played one game on JV or Varsity before. Sometimes, no scratch that, most of the time Freshman can never handle the pressure. I don't mean to be a witch about it, but I think Coach has gone insane!

   "Coach, I think we should scrimmage a little bit because, as you said, our first game is tomorrow," I suggest.

   "I'm the coach and I will be the one to suggest what we are going to do. So... I have decided that we are going to scrimmage so you girls can learn to work together at least a little bit before the big game," Coach says and I shake my head with a chuckle.

   So, we split up into two groups, varsity v. JV, and the starting six for each group make their way onto the court and position themselves in their spots.

   LJ takes the middle spot, which is for setters; and I take the outside hitting position. Which is the top left hand corner.

   I can spike from any position, but Coach likes to start me out in the outside hitting spot.

Since the Varsity has the advantage, Coach lets the JV side serve first. One of the Sophomore girls grabs the volleyball and bounces it a couple times before serving it overhand to my side of the court.

  One of the Freshman bumps it and LJ sets it high for me. I make my approach and jump while swinging my arm so that it connects with the ball and following through.

  The ball dives for the JV's side of the court and one of the Sophomores bumps it up, trying to get it to their setter, but the ball hits the wrong part of her arm and starts to sail across the court on the left side.

    Almost all the JV girls attempt to save the ball by chasing after it, but the ball ends up in the bleachers and varsity get the points.

  I grin and high five LJ and she does her happy dance and turns in a circle moving her hips around and swaying her body. You know how some girls can just move their bodies like no other? Well, that's LJ. I on the other hand dance like a nerd. It's pretty pathetic.

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