Chapter 10: yum, cotton candy

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  "Why are you still wearing your sunglasses when we are inside?" I ask Hunter and he turns his head towards me as we are standing in line at the ice cream shop.

  "Because i look amazingly hot in these glasses," he says and the group of girls in line ahead of us start giggling and some of them turn around and give him flirtatious smiles. I have to fight the urge to punch them.

  "Well, i am pretty sure you can take them off and those girls ahead of us will still think your hot," I reply and he raises his eyebrows.

 "Is that jealousy i hear? OOooohhh, i think it is," he says and i glare at him.

  "It is not,"

"Oh you are soooo jealous, jealous, jealous, jeeaaallloouusss," he sings and i roll my eyes but smile a little.

   "You are so mature," I say sarcatically but he just continues to smirk at me.

"Hey sexy, come here often?" A radom guy asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulders and i glance at him in shock.

   "Um," I stammer and Hunter looks ready to murder someone.

"I suggest you take your arm off my girlfriend," Hunter says and i start choking on air.

 "Buddy, if you two were dating i don't think you would be simply standing there without holding her hand or something," the guy explains with a smirk.

   The guy waas really cute, with black hair and bright blue eyes. Tall, probably about 6'4" and not at all gangly.

"Fine, you asked for it," Hunter says and starts to swing his fist towards the guy, but i step in between the two of them.

   "Hunter, stop it rght now!" I snap and he glares down at me.

"Why? This guy is being a douche," Hunter snaps back.

   "I swear i will leave right now and never talk to you again if you start a fight," I say.

Hunter stares at the guy and i see him clench his jaw before slowly lowering his arm and shaking his head.

 The guy looks at Hunter and smirks. He puts his arm back around me, but i shake it off and stand closer to Hunter.

  The guy snorts and walks back over to his friends and i hear the words slut and bitch and i know he is talkinga bout me because i didn't let him get farther with me.

 "That guy is talking crap about you," Hunter says quietly through clenched teeth.

   "I know," I reply.

"You really should have let me punch him," Hunter says back and i shake my head. I reach over hesitantly and grab ahold of his hand.

  "He's not worth it," I say and he looks down at our hands and slowly twines his fingers with mine.

I glance up at him to find him smiling slightly and i also notice that he has taken his sunglasses off.

  After we get our ice cream, both of them in a waffle cone, we sit down together in the grass.

  "If it's supposed to be cotton candy, why is it blue and not pink?" Hunter asks as he stares at my ice cream.

    "Because pink is bubble gum," I explain and lick my cotton candy flavoured ice cream.

Hunter shakes his head and licks his own, which is white chocalote mint oreo.

  "Can i taste yours?" He asks me and i stare at him.

The Volleyball Girl and The Player?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora