Chapter 2: introducing the man-whores

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The next day at school i am hanging out with my friends, Will, Jerron, Tyler, and Luke, when Laura walks up to me.

    "Hey, Hunter," she says happily. I sigh and share a look with the guys. "What's the matter?" She continues.

  "Look, Laura, the thing is, i think we should see other people," I say trying to let her down gently, not because i even slightly care about her feelings, but because i don't want her to make a scene.

 "What?! B-but..." She stammers.

"I know, i know, but trust me, it's not you, it's me," I reply using my favorite dumping line.

 "You can't do this to me! Last night you told me you loved me AND I SLEPT WITH YOU," Laura screams at me and people in the hallway turn our way to see what's going on.

 The guys shake their heads because every girl we do this to always say the same thing. 'you said you loved me', but that is just one of our tricks to get girls to sleep with us.

  My friends and i are basically the school's biggest players. The girls should really learn that none of us are going to change for them, so really, it's not completely our fualt the girls get hurt. It's partly their fault too.

     "It's better for yourself if you don't make a scene," I suggest to her.

My words must piss her off because the next thing i know my balls feel as though they have been kicked all the way up into my stomach.

 I groan and Laura looks satisfied before storming away. Will pats my back, but i see the amusement in his eyes.

 "Sucks to be you," Luke says while laughing, not even trying to hide his laughter.

 Pretty soon all the guys are laughing and i can't help but grin too. Even though i am in pain, it is kind of funny and i have no idea why.

  "I hope you guys get kicked in the balls so i can laugh at your pain," I reply but Jerron just shakes his head.

  "Out of all of us, you deffinetly are the worst at breaking up with chicks," Jerron states and all the guys nod in agreement.

  "But i'm also the one who has had the most girls," I say with a smirk.

  "Sure, but you and i are only two girls apart," Luke says and looks quite proud of himself.

 "We all know the girls like me better," I reply and the guys roll their eyes.

   "In your dreams, Johnson," Will says with a chuckle.

"No, i'm pretty sure it's reality," I answer.

I look around the hallway and that's wheni see her. Raya. About to open her locker.

 Jerron is about to ay something, probably something sarcastic, but i nudge him to be quiet. He looks at me in confusion so i gesture for them to look at Raya.

   "What did you do?" Will whispers to me, but i just grin.

Not realizing that all of us are watching her and unaware that something is about to go terribly wrong for her, Raya opens her locker and POP!

  The paint filled balloons explode all over her. Fire-red paint splatters on her face, clothes, and hair. Raya slowly wipes the paint away from her eyes and looks around to see who did it. When her eyes land on me, she makes her way over to me.

   Everybody in the hallway is staring at her, but she doesn't pay them any attention.

"That was really mature, Johnson," she says sarcastically when she is standing directly in front of me.

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