Chapter 25: Hung Up On You <3

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  Later that night I am lying with Raya in my arms on her couch because her mom is not home yet. We are watching The Host, don't ask me why because I honestly have no clue. It is a super slow movie, but my girl is in love with it.

  Oh jeez. Did I just call her my girl? Man... I am in freaking deep.

"This is my favorite part," Raya whispers to me and I look to the screen to see that Ian kissing Wanda.

   "Wait.. I thought she was in love with Jared?" I whisper and she scowls at me in irritation.

"Have you not been watching the movie?"

   "Sorry, I was distracted with you being this close to me," I say and kiss her ear.

"Nice try," she replies.

   "You know what I was thinking," I say and she glances at me.


   "That tomorrow I could teach you how to ride my motorcycle,"

"Two problems with that. First, we have school. Second, isn't your motorcycle at your parents' house?" She explains and I smirk.

   "Well, first, it's called skipping, miss goody-two-shoes. And second, they have work during the day, so I can just sneak over and take it. Problem solved," I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

  "Okay, what about football and volleyball practice?" She says.

"Babe, you are the best volleyball player our team has, so I think your coach will understand if you don't go to one practice. And, not to brag, but Coach won't put anybody else in my position. So, I think we'll both be okay,"

   "..... Fine, but if we get caught," she warns and I kiss her bruised eye.

"I'll take the blame,"

   "What is going on in here?" Her mom snaps when she walks into the living room and sees us both on the couch, sitting very close to each other.

"Mom! What are you doing home so early?" Raya asks in shock and quickly moves away from me. I stand up quickly and smile sheepishly at her mom.

    "It's seven at night, what do you mean early? Who are you?!" Her mom snaps at me and glares. I swallow. I have never had to meet a girl's parents before. This is intimidating.

 "Hi, Mrs. Brennings, I'm Hunter, your daughter's boyfriend," I introduce and her mom's eyes flash with recognition.

     "Oh, right, the boy that stayed here when your parents kicked you out," she says and I nod.

"Yep, that's me,"

  "Were you in my house last night?" She asks me and I mentally swear. I quickly look over at Raya and sigh. I guess I should probably tell her mom the truth because I don't want her to find out later and be pissed at me.


Raya starts coughing and stares at me in amazement.

"Well, thank you for your honesty, but it is not okay for you to be doing that. If you need place to stay, you can sleep on the couch, not in Raya's room," her mom explains.

  "Okay, thanks you," I say and she nods before setting her purse and keys down.

"Where is your brother?" Her mom asks Raya.

    "In his room," she explains. Her mom leaves the living room and Raya moves back over to me and lays her head in my lap. I run my fingers through her hair and she closes her eyes.

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