Chapter 13:

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 "Wake up time, sleeping beauty," I hear the next morning before all of a sudden there is an extremely loud noise right in my ear drum.

   I jerk out of my sleep with a shout and fall off the bed in the process. I lift my head off the ground and glare at Jerron.

   "Was that really necessary?" I snap at him and he smirks.

"Hey, its not my fault that you refused to wake up. You can only blame yourself," he replies innocently.

    "So, it's my fault that you blew out my eardrum with a freaking blow horn?!" I shout and Jerron spits his tongue out at me.

"Real mature," I reply dryly and Jerron grins.

    "You would know,"

"Why did you wake me up? We don't have school on Fridays," I complain and glance at the clock. 10:00 A.M.

 "Dude, don't act like I woke you up at 5 in the morning... It's ten, I think you will be fully functional. And anyway, aren't we getting a ride in the volleyball bus for the game today up to Phillipsburg?" Jerron says and I sigh.

  Coach is making all the football guys ride up to the volleyball game so we can cheer them on because it's their first game of the season. Raya probably wants me to go, so I will listen to Coach for once and cheer the girls on.

   I grab Jerron's outstretched hand and he pulls me to my feet.

 "Can I borrow some clothes?" I ask him and he nods and goes off to find some for me. A few minutes later he comes back with a faded pair of jeans and a black AC/DC shirt and tosses them at me.

   After I get dressed and brush my teeth I head down the stairs to the kitchen where Mrs. and Mr. Lemons are sitting at the table drinking coffee.

   "Good morning, Hunter," Mr. Lemons says with a smile and I grin back at him.

   "Wow, Dad, good morning to you too," Jerron says as he walks into the kitchen behind me and mock glares at his dad.

"Oh sorry, sson, didn't see you there," his dad says and smiles at his son.

   "Sure, sure you didn't! Favoritism!" Jerron whines and his mother rolls her eyes.

"Jer! Sit down and eat breakfast," his mom says with a soft smile and stands up with her hands resting on her pregnant stomach.

   "Do you want me to get you anything, Mrs. Lemons?" I ask and she waves me off with her hand.

"No, no, don't you two have a bus to catch?" She asks and Jerron starts choking on whatever food he was eating and grabs his shoes and sprints out the door yelling at me to hurry. I roll my eyes, kiss Mrs. Lemons cheek, slap Mr. Lemons back and run outside and hop into his truck.

   "Jeez, take your time!" Jerron teases me as he squeals away from his house and towards the school.

 "Relax, we have time," I say and he glances at me.

    "So, you excited to see Raya?" Jerron asks and I stare at him.

"Sure, excited that she'll give in and eventually have sex with me," I lie and Jerron shakes his head at me.

    "You can only lie to yourself for so long," Jerron explains and I look out the window.

"I'm not lying,"

   "We both know you are,"

"Oh, look at that! We are at the school," I exclaim and hop out of the car as soon as we turn into the parking lot. Not even waiting for the truck to fully stop.

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