Chapter 37: Guilt

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  "Brennings! What the hell is going on with you?" Coach snaps as I shank the ball yet again during our scrimage at practice that night.

    "I don't know," I mumble and Coach sighs.

"Get over here," she snaps and I jog off the court. One of the other girls quickly fills in on my spot as I make my way over to coach.

  "What's up?" I ask her and she gives me a look.

   "What's going on with you today? You are one of my best players and right now you are acting like a newbie," Coach states and I flush bright red.

  "I know.. I know," I mutter and Coach sighs.

"I heard about you and your boyfriend breaking up, are you okay?" She asks me and I shrug.

"Yeah, as good I can be," I explain.

   "Well... Go home, because I can't have you practicing right now," she orders and I gape at her in shock.

"What? Coach... But," I stammer and she rolls her eyes.

   "Relax, it's just for today. I can tell that you aren't into volleyball and that's fine, just come back tomorrow ready to play,"

"But...." I mutter.

    "Don't but me, I told you to go, so go before I start making your run," Coach snaps and I sigh. I scowl at her before turning and walking out of the gym.

 As I walk out of the school, I stop and sigh. Crap! I don't have a ride home until six tonight when my mom comes to pick me up because my car has yet to be fixed from the crash.

    "Need a ride?" Jerron asks from his car in the parking lot.

"Aren't you supposed to be at pracitce?"  I ask him and he rolls his eyes.

"Coach let us out early,"  he replies.

    "No, I can walk thanks,"  I mutter before turning and starting to walk home.

"Raya, come on. I'm dating your best friend! We used to be friends,"

"Yeah before I knew about the bet and before I realized that you were in on the bet," I snap and he sighs.

    "Raya... Hunter didn't mean to hurt you," Jerron mumbles and I glare at him. I cross my arms in front of my chest and kick a rock and watch as it rolls across the parking lot.

  "That doesn't make it right. And I'm NOT having this conversation with you," I reply.

  "Fine... Just... Get in the car, I'll drive you home," he says and I sigh. I stare at him, but he refuses to meet my eyes.

Without replying I open his car door and sit inside the car. 

    "Do you think your coach will let Hunter back on the team?" I ask suddenly and Jerron glances over at me before turning his eyes back to the road. He pulls out of the parking lot and starts towards my house.

 "I don't know... Why?" Jerron replies.

    "I feel like it's my fault," I mumble and Jerron looks confused.

"What is?"

   "Hunter getting suspended," I answer.

"what? No! It's not your fault. Why do you think that?"

"Because he fought Luke because of me," 

   "Hunter does what he wants. If he didn't want to fight with Luke, he wouldn't have. Once he has something in his mind, he doesn't stop until it's done," Jerron explains and I sigh.

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