Chapter 40: All you need is love

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 Hunter is snoring softly beside me on the bed, but I can't fall asleep. I brush his bangs away from his face and stare at him. It's been so long since he's been in here with me. No matter how angry I was at him for dating me on a bet, I couldn't stop myself from loving him. Deep down I knew that he never meant to hurt me, but I couldn't see past my hurt to forgive him. 

    "What are you thinking about?" Hunter mumbles sleepily. I stare into his eyes and shake my head.

"Nothing," I whisper back.


"I just... I'm really glad you came back. I was afraid I had pushed you away for good," I reply and Hunter kisses me softly.

    "You could never push me away for good. I'll always come back for you," he says and I feel my eyes start to water. A few tears escape my eyes and Hunter kisses them away. "Don't cry, babe".

"I can't help it. After everything in my life that has gone wrong, you are one of the only good things in it and I almost couldn't get past my own pride and forgive you," I reply and start crying quietly.

    Hunter pulls me up close to his body and he rubs circles on my back as I cry into his shirt. "Shhh, let it out. It's okay, gorgeous. I'm here now and I will never stop loving you," 

 "Glad to see you two made up," Mom says from the doorway. I jerk up and start blushing while Mom just grins at me. It's comforting that she trusts Hunter and I not to do anything, but it's awkward that she was looking at us.

   "Um, thanks?" I mumble and she laughs before walking away. "Well that wasn't awkward at all".

Hunter laughs and kisses my nose gently, tenderly, before flopping back on the bed with a huge sigh. He links our fingers together and brings them to his stomach, letting them rest there. "All relationship conversations are awkward with parents," he points out.

   "How are things with your parents?" I ask him, knowing that they probably heard about him getting kicked off the team.

 "Well... They were pissed that I basically threw my chance at a football scholarship away and my chances to play in college, but I told them it was my life and even though I wasn't happy about getting kicked off the team, I made the decision to fight Luke and I've accepted the consequences," he replies and I look at his face.

   "What did they say to that?" I ask him and he smiles sweetly at me.

"They were silent and I went up to my room," he says and brings our linked hands to his lips and presses a light kiss against my knuckles.

  "I'm really glad you stuck up for yourself," I say to him and he grins.

"Hey now, haven't I always?"

    "Ha! No, definitely not,"

"You're such a bully! A bully," he says and flips me on my back and starts mercilessly tickling me. I screech and try to squirm away from him, but he straddles my stomach to keep me in place and smirks down at me while continuing to tickle me.

   "Ahh! Alright! Stop! Oh my gosh! Please," I laugh and start crying because I am laughing so hard. Suddenly he kisses me softly on the lips and I gasp in surprise. "I love you so much. To the moon and back," he whispers against my lips and I almost start crying again because he is so sweet.

   After a while we both stand up and walk out of the room and into the living room. Bryce looks up and scowls.

    "I thought you two broke up," he mutters and glares at Hunter.

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