Chapter 23:

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  After Jerron takes LJ back to his house, Hunter and I are sitting on a couch. He's drinking a beer and i'm drinking a pop.

    "Well, hey there brat," Conner sneers as he plops down on the other side of me, with a drink in his hand.

"What do you want, Conner?" I snap and he snorts.


"Screw you,"

  "So, have you two done the naughty?" Conner sneers and Hunter looks ready to beat him senseless.

"Hunter..." I say warningly.

   "Ha! She used to use that tone of voice with me all the time. Glad i'm free from that shit," Conner says with a smirk and I glare at him. How dare he!

"Conner!" I shout and he grins.

"Listen, I know you miss me, babe, but I just thought I would let you know that I am doing freaking GREAT without you!" Conner states and I clench my fists to keep from punching him.

  "Conner, screw off!" Hunter snaps and stands up. He grabs Conner by his shirt and hauls him off the couch and shoves him away.

"Oooohhh, Hunter has anger problems," Conner says with a laugh.

   "Conner, please.." I say and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Lighten up, Raya! For once in your life stop being such an uptight bitch," Conner says and my jaw falls open. I am not an uptight bitch.. Am I?

 "You are so f-ing dead, Conner!" Hunter snaps and tackles him to the ground.

   "Hunter! Stop it!" I yell and pull his shoulders trying to get him off Conner. But it doesn't work because he just shakes me off.

   "Hunter!" Will shouts as he comes out of freaking no where.

Once again I grab ahold of both of Hunter's shoulders and tug with all my might. hunter's arm swings back so that he can have a good shot at Conner's face and his elbow connects with my eye and I stumble backwards and Will catches me before I fall to my butt.

   "You okay? Shit, you're bleeding," Will says and sits me down. A few people around us look to see what's going on, but they are too drunk to care and go back to whatever it was they were doing before.

"Raya?" Hunter asks and falls to his knees in front of me. He touches my eye softly and I suck in a breathe.

   "I'm so freaking sorry, I swear I didn't mean to," Hunter says and wipes some blood off my face.

"I know, i'm fine," I reassure him, but he doesn't look relieved.

      "Shit, I am soooo sorry, babe"

"Hunter, it's okay. It was an accident," I say.

   Will walks back over to us with a wash cloth in his hand and Hunter takes it from him.

   "Thanks," I say to Will and he nods and looks between the two of us.

"uh.. I'll... Be anywhere else.." he says and walks away and I smile lightly.

  Hunter wipes beside my eye and looks troubled.

 "Hunter, I swear it's okay," I say and he shakes his head.

"You told me to stop, and if I would have you wouldn't have a black eye,"

   "Is it bruised already?" I ask him and he nods slightly.

"Yeah, it's getting puffy," he says.

   After he finishes, he kisses me lightly and still looks regretful. I take his face in my hands and kiss him back. He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine.

  "I really am sorry,"

"I know,"

  He stands up and helps me to my feet. He presses his lips lightly to my hurt eye


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