Chapter 35: goodbye town

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 "Hey, man, what's up?" Will asks and I glance up at him from the screen, where I am studying Hot Springs' football game so that I can see what we are up against this Wednesday when we head up there for the game.

   "Not much, you?" I ask him, Will and Tyler don't know that Raya and I are broken up right now. I don't know why I haven't told them, but I know that Tyler won't care, he'll probably even be happy about it.

"Eh, pretty much the same. Met this girl this weekend," he begins and I raise my eyebrow.


"Oh yeah, but when I said hi, her boyfriend came out of know where and punched my lights out," Will says and he grins sheepishly.

    "Ha, jeez, that figures. You always know how to pick the wrong girls. I don't know how one guy can have such bad luck" I joke and he smirks.

"I ask myself that every day,"

  "Hey, hey, hey," Tyler says in a girly voice as he strolls up to us.

"Are you gay now?" Will asks and Tyler scowls at him.

   "Not quite,"

"Ah, well just checking. Because you know, it's okay if you are batting for the other team, I suspected it all along," Will continues.

   "You are so funny," Tyler says sarcastically.

"Where's your girl?" Will asks, changing the subject.

   I clear my throat and look back at the paused video of the game. "Uh, about that," I begin.

"Well, that's not good," Tyler says quietly and I shake my head.

   "No... Raya broke up with me," I say shortly and stare at my hands.

"What?!" Tyler says at the same time Will says, "What the hell?!"

    "She found out about the bet," I reply and Will groans.


"Luke told her," I explain.

"That dick! I can't believe he did that! Well, I mean I can, but still. That is a dick move," Will practically shouts and a couple people in the room look over at us.

    "Yeah, I know. I mean, I should have figured that she would figure out sooner or later, but I never wanted it to be from someone else. I know I should have told her sooner, but I just figured that I had time to tell her," I explain.

  "Why didn't you tell her then?" Tyler asks cautiously.

 "I guess I was just afraid that she would leave me, but it doesn't matter know because she's gone. I've tried to talk to her since it happened a few days ago, but she said she needs time before we talk about what happened," I answer.

   Just then Jerron walks into the room and shakes his head.

"What?" I ask him as he sits down next to us.

    "LJ was pissed at me for knowing about this bet," he says and I close my eyes.

"Shit, sorry, Jer... I didn't want this to come back on you," I say quietly and he shakes his head with a small smirk.

   "That's what best friends are for, buddy. LJ is mad, but she'll get over it," Jerron replies and I nod slowly.

"I wish I could say the same for Raya," I mutter and rubs my eyes.

    "She'll come back to you, Hunter. If she truly loved you like she said before, then she'll be back. Just give her some time to cool off and think things through."

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