Chapter 31: Forever Mine, Nevermind

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   When I wake up the next morning, I smile at the memory of last night. Hunter is basically the best guy I know. Last night was more perfect than I can even say, even after the disastrous volleyball game.

     I climb out of bed and head into the kitchen to see Mom cooking waffles. Yum.

 "Hey, Mom," I say and she smiles at me.

    "Morning, darling," she replies.

I sit down at the table and sigh.

    "How many do you want?" Mom asks me and I grin.


   "Holy crap, I didn't know you were a guy," Bryce jokes as he strolls into the kitchen and plops onto the table.

   "Bryce, off the table," Mom says without turning around to look at him. He scowls at her back before hopping off the table.

   "I swear she has eyes in the back of her head," Bryce whispers to me.

"I do," Mom replies and I laugh.

   Bryce looks shocked before sitting on a chair.

Mom sets three waffles on my plate and gives me a glass of water to go with it. I smile gratefully at her and she smiles softly back at me.

   "Woah, woah, woah, where in the heck is my food," Bryce asks and Mom smirks at him.

 "You can make some," she teases him.

"Favoritism!" He shouts and I giggle.

   I hear the front door open and the next thing I know, Hunter walks into the kitchen.

"I should just give you a key to the house," Mom mutters sarcastically and Hunter grins at her. I never knew my mom could be sarcastic until Hunter came along.

     "Sounds good to me," Hunter jokes and Mom cracks a smile at him.

"Me too," I agree and Hunter plops down on my lap. He grabs my fork and begins to eat my waffles.

   "Hey! What are you doing?!" I shout and Hunter smirks at me before taking a huge bite.

"Eating," he mumbles around his food.

    "Put that fork down mister!" I warn as he swallows the food.

"Naw," he replies before taking another bite. I shove him off my lap and he lands on his butt on the ground. I jump on top of him and lightly start punching his arms and stomach.

     "You jerk!"

"Well, this is kind of awkward from a bystanders point of view,"  Bryce mutters and I laugh.

I hop off Hunter and sit down in my chair and quickly start eating my waffles before Hunter can touch them again.

      Hunter stands up, scowls at me, and sits down in a different chair.

"Would you like some waffles?" I ask him and he nods happily.

"Too bad," I reply and he scoffs.

"Meany," he says childishly.

   Mom rolls her eyes before putting on a few more waffles. She sets a plate in front of Hunter and he thanks her.

  "What?! He got his waffles before me?! I see how it is!" Bryce says with a mock glare at Hunter.

Even though Bryce still doesn't like Hunter, for everything that happened, he has tried to put it in the past. I think it's because Bryce finally realizes that Hunter and I aren't breaking up any time soon. 

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