Chapter 36: Choas

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"Are you speaking to Hunter yet?" LJ asks me at school and I shake my head.

   "Nope," I reply and she sighs.

"I still can't believe he did that," she mutters.

   "Well, believe it because it happened," I answer and walk over to my locker.

"Do you think you'll be able to forgive him ever?" She asks me and I sigh heavily. Sometimes I think hat I can forgive him because I still love him even after he did that to me, but then sometimes I think that I can't forgive him because of what he did to me.

     "I don't know, LJ. Why?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I just... I don't know... You two were the cutest couple I had ever seen and I really think that he loves you," she replies and I stare at my locker door.

    "Maybe he did, but I really doubt it. I'm surprised in myself for loving him after I hated him for so long, I can't imagine him feeling the same," 

"Hey, beautiful," Jerron says to LJ but she glares at him.

   "Go away!" She snaps and he looks crushed.

I wonder what's going on with them... i reaally hope it's not because of Hunter and I. 


"Don't you babe me! You knew about the bet and you didn't object or anything! I have nothing to say to you," she snaps and he turns around slowly, realizing that LJ is not ready to talk to him, and walks away with his shoulders slumped.

  "LJ..." I begin and she shakes her head.

"He knew what Hunter was doing and he even helped make the bet. I am so angry at him that I can't even look at him," 

    "Don't blame him. He just wanted to have some fun. It's not his fault. LJ, I'm serious. Don't shake your head at me.... Please talk to him before the end of the day," I answer and she scowls at me.

 "I'll think about it," she mutters before the bell rings.

     LJ grabs her things and heads off to class. I am about to head after her when Luke walks over to me and backs me up against the lockers. I give him  weird look and try to push him away, but he doesn't move.

     "So, I heard you broke up with Hunter," he says and I glare.

"Well, you should already know that because you were there when it happened," I snap and he raises his eyebrows.

     "yeah... So, how would you think about dating me?" He says and his breath fans over my face.

"No thanks," I reply trying not to sound mean.

    "Oh come on, you would give Hunter a chance, but not me? We all know that I'm the better catch," he say arrogently.

 "No, Luke," I reply, quickly loosing patience. 

    "Raya, come on," he replies, his voice becoming impatient.

"I said no, now back off," I snap and he narrows his eyes.

   "And I say yes! Come on! Stop being such a prude," 

"Get away, Luke. I said no!" I snap again and try to push him again, but he grabs my wrist and squeezes it. I wince and try to pull away, but he won't let go.

    "Do you think you're better than me? Do you?" He snaps and I flinch when he gets in my face.

''Ow, that hurts! Let go," I plead and try again to pull my arm away from him.

The Volleyball Girl and The Player?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن