Chapter 38: Heart-breaker

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 "Hey, Ray Ray, why the long face?" PJ asks as he saunters over to me and I smile up at him.

"No reason," I lie when the real reason was because not only do I miss Hunter, but I also have to go and see my father's family again. Against my will yet again. How unfair is that? I know, I know, first world problems, but jeez la-weez.

    "Sure," PJ replies, but doesn't look convinced.

I am sitting on the couch in the library, so PJ plops down beside me and the librarian gives him a dirty look.

   "Why are you in the library?" I ask him and he shrugs and gives me an indignant look.

"Maybe I'm looking for books," he replies with mock anger.

     "Yeah right!" I tease and he scowls at me.

"I am hurt!"

  "You two keep it down!" The librarian whispers harshly and when she turns away, PJ spits his tongue out at her.

"Mature," I whisper and he grins.

   "I know right," he whispers back.""But seriously, what's wrong?"

"Nothing?" I lie.

 "Gorgeous, don't lie to me," PJ replies and I give him a dirty look.

   "I'm not lying,"

"Yes you are,"

 "How would you know? We've been friends for like four or five weeks," I ask while doing the church giggles. You know, where you are laughing hard but trying to keep it in, so your shoulders are bouncing all over the place.

   "Well, rude!"

"How is that rude?" I ask him and he tries to come up with an answer.

   "You know! Well... Well... yeah, I got nothing," he says after a few minutes of stammering.

"Well isn't this cozy?" Tyler asks with a sneer. I look up in shock to see Hunter sulking at the table farthest away from us. Tyler is standing right in front of us with a scowl on his face.

 "Tyler," I say and he rolls his eyes at me.

"I don't like you," Tyler begins and I hear Hunter groan in frustration.

"Ty!" Hunter snaps from his table and is immidiatly shushed by the librarian.

   "But I was willing to overlook that because Hunter really liked you, but now you go and do this?" Tyler snaps.

"What in the hell did I do? If you recall, Hunter is the one who made the bet, I did nothing to him. All I am doing is talking to PJ, my friend, you jackass," I snap.

The librarian stalks over to us and points at the four of us.

"Detention," she snaps and storms back over to her desk and writes all of us a slip for detention. Well shit.

 "Tyler," I hear Hunter groan in frustration. 

I slump back against the cushions and PJ grumbles under his breath. Hunter walks over to us, grabs Tyler by the arms and drags him over to their table.

    "Well, this sucks," PJ mumbles and I nudge him to be quite. I really don't want double detention.

I glance over at Hunter from the corner of my eye and see Tyler and him whispering feriously to each other, both of them scowling.

    "You still like him, don't you?" PJ asks.

"No," I say too quickly.


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