Chapter 8: trouble, trouble, and more trouble

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"He what?!" LJ screeches the next day while we are standing in the hallway of the school.

   "Sssshhhh," I say and slap my hand over her mouth.

"i cansht bweavsh h shad thaft.." she mumbles into my hand and i roll my eyes.

"What?" I ask and she shoves my hand off her face.

  "I said, i can't believe he said that and.. Or did that," she explains and i nod in agreement.

"Me either. It was really surprising," I reply.

   "What was?" Conner asks as he walks up to me and kisses me.

"Oh, so you're going to actually talk to me today?" I snap and shove him away from me.

   "Babe..." He begins with an eye roll.

"Don't you 'babe' me!" I snap and he sighs.

   "You are overreacting," he says.

"Overreacting? Really?" LJ yells and Conner glares at her.

  "I wasn't talking to you!" Conner snaps.

"No! But i was giving my opinion anyway,"LJ snaps back.

  "What's going on over here? Lover's spat?" Hunter asks as him and his friends saunter over to us.

"Stay out of this!" Conner growls at him and Hunter raises his eyebrows.

  "I don't think your girlfriend wants me to, or is that ex girlfriend now?" Hunter replies with a smirk at Conner.

    "ACtually, yes i would like you to leave so i can work things out with my boyfriend privately," I say quietly and Hunter stares at me and narrows his eyes.

"Bipolar much?"

  'No.." I say and Conner looks back and forth between us.

"That's not the way you acted last night," Hunter says with  a smug look at Conner.

  "What?!" Conner snaps and glares at me. I close my eyes, this cannot be happening to me right now.

"Nothing, he's just being Hunter," I say and glare at Hunter.

 "Oh? I really don't think i am. You're girlfriend was going to kiss me," Hunter says to Conner. My jaw drops and everyone else gasps.

   "Liar,"Conner snaps back but he looks like he believes it.

"Why don't you ask your girlfriend then if you don't believe me," Hunter suggests and smirks at Conner.

  Why is Hunter doing this to me? Does he not know that he is hurting me by doing this?

"Is it true, Raya?" Conner asks and i stare at him helplessly.

   "..It is.. But Conner, i swear..."I begin to say and he shakes his head angrily and storms away. I know, i know, Conner is really the worlds biggest jerk ever, but i don't want to hurt him and he is the only boyfriend i have ever had and i depend on him a lot.

"Well, that was entertaining," Hunter says and i glare at him with such hatred that he looks shocked for a second and i feel tears brim in my eyes.

  "Shut up! Why can't you just stop ruining my life? I thought for a second yesterday that you were better than i had origanlly thought, but i was so wrong and stupid," I snap and take off after Conner.

"Conner, come on, please just stop and listen to me," I plead as i find him standing by his locker.

He turns to me and glares.

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