Chapter 9: getting to know you

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"Run! Faster!" Coach screams and i push myself that much harder. Coach has us doing ten in ones, which are like living hell if you didn't know, which are from one side of the football field and back is one, we do ten of those in a minute. After we finish the first set, however many people didn't make it in the one minute is how many more sets of these we have to do.

     This time seven people don't make it in the minute and so we do seven more sets of this crap.

"Well, girls, sucks for, but thanks to seven of your teammates, it's seven more setss, line up!" Coach says with a smirk and i sigh. Of course.

   "Ready, set, GO," Coach yells and we all take off running. Most of the guys try and ful out sprint it, but what i have learned is that you have to start out at a humanly pace and then the last five sprint. Well, it works for me anyway.

And wouldn't you just know that godzilla is one of the guys who always goes slow and ALWAYS makes us run more.

    After we finish with the running i plop on the ground and attempt to not throw up everywhere. I look up from the ground and notice that the volleyball girls got out early. I search the group of laughing girls to see if i can spot Raya, but when i don't i roll my shoulders and stand up.

   "Who were you looking for?" Godzilla asks and i glance at him.

"Why do you want to know?"

  "If you're looking for Raya, she would never date a tool like you,"

"Coming from you, that's hilarious," I reply and he glowers at me.

  "Maybe, but at least she dated me, she won't even give you a chance,"

"You don't know that," I snap and he raises his eyebrows.

   "Temper, temper, Johnson. Raya doesn't like guys with tempers," Conner says snidely and i glare at him.

 "ARe you always this annoying or does it take practice?"

"Are you always this stupid? Or does it take practice," he parrots.

   "Great comeback," I sneer.

"Whatever. The point is, you will never get the chance to date her and screw her over because she is smarter than that. So, if your whole reason for trying to break us up is because you wanted to get in her pants, it's not going to happen," Conner explains and i narrow my eyes at him.

   "I'm not going to screw her over," I snap and he snorts.

"Sure, because i am just so sure that you actually want to date her and it wasn't because of some stupid bet or because she'll be a good lay," he points out but doesn't give me a chance to reply. "But no matter, because when you hurt her, and you will, she will come back to me and realize waht a douche you are," he explains and smirks at me.

   "What did you just call me?" I snap and he rolls his eyes.

"And you call me godzilla," he mutters and i tackle him to the ground. He grunts as he slams into the ground with me ontop of him. I pull back my fist and slam it into his face before the team starts pulls us apart and Coach storms over to us.

  "What in the sam hell is goinig on over here?" He snaps and Conner wipes the blood away from his nose and glares at me.

"Why don't you ask the dick who punched me in the face?!" Godzilla snaps and i clench my fists.

  "I am asking both of you so somebody better start talking," Coach snaps.

"It's fine, we figured it out," I lie and Coach looks skeptical.

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