Chapter 18: Hey, Jealousy

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I open my eyes the next morning and glance around the room in confusion. That's  not my dresser, that's not my carpet, that's definitely not my comforter. What is going on?

   I roll over and see Hunter lying beside me on his stomach with his bare back poking out of the blankets. He is snoring slightly and his mouth is partially opened and his eyes twitch.

  Oh yeah... That's right... I stayed with Hunter at Jerron's house last night. Hunter and his friends beat up my brother, and my idiot brother was stealing stuff. Now I kind of wish I hadn't remembered any of that.

 "What are you thinking about?" Hunter mutters and I glance back at him to see that his eyes are squinted at me.


"Don't lie to me, Brennings,"

   "It's not important," I reply and wrap my arms around his waist and bring our bodies closer together. Hunter stiffens and I look up at him in confusion. His face is nervous and he bites his bottom lip.

"Are you okay?"

   "Well, little Raya, you have just witnessed your boyfriend having his morning hard on," Jerron says from the door. Hunter growls at him and I blush like an idiot.

  How did I not even realize that?

I pull away from Hunter and he springs out of bed and pulls on some pants and I notice that his face is beat red, like a tomato or a fire hydrant.

   "Aww, don't be embarrassed, Hunt," Jerron teases and Hunter throws a pillow at him.

 "What are you even doing in here?" Hunter says and narrows his eyes.

   "Well, I thought I would come and wake you two up since it's twelve P.M.," Jerron explains and I glance at the digital clock on the bedside dresser.

  "It's 12:01," I correct and Jerron scowls at me.

 "Bite me, Raya,"

   "No thanks, you won't taste like cheese," I reply with an evil smirk, bringing up what he said to LJ a couple days ago when we were eating lunch at school.

"Don't bring that up!" Jerron complains and I grin at him.

     "Well, you embarrassed Hunter a few minutes ago, I thought it was appropriate that I embarrass you right back," I explain and Jerron pops his knuckles.

"Ooooooohhhh, im so afraid nnow," I say sarcastically.

    Jerron then proceeds to tackle me, which in turn rolls us both off the bed and onto the cold floor. Jerron then starts tickling me with no mercy. I am laughing so hard that tears are streaming down my face and you want to know what my derk of a boyfriend does? He holds me down! Yeah, you heard right... He holds me down.

  "Let me go! AHHHHhhhh, stop!!!" I screech and Jerron laughs evilly.

 "I told you not to bring it up,"

  He tickles my side and I kick my legs, trying to get him away from me, but it doesn't work.

"Hunter! Make it stop,' I scream while laughing and squirming all over the place.

    "Sorry, no can do,"

"I am going to pee my pants!" I shout and just like that, both guys let me go and scramble away from me. I sit up smiling and stick my tongue out at them.

   "Don't scare me like that!" Jerron mutters.

"Are you afraid of a little pee?" I ask him and he scowls at me.

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