Chapter 14: Kicked out

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  When I get home later that night, my parents are sitting in their chairs in the living room and my dad is glaring at me.

   "And where were you?" He snaps.

"Staying at Jerron's," I reply and Dad narrows his eyes even more, if that is even possible without closing his eyes, but apparently it is because he succeeds in doing it.


"You know why!" I snap and Mom sighs dramatically.

"You need to learn how to respect us," Mom points out and I take a deep breathe before nodding slightly. I really don't feel like agreeing, but I really need to sleep in my own bed tonight.

    "Sit down, son, we need to talk,""  Dad says and I sigh before sitting down on the couch  and planting my feet on the coffee table. Mom clears hear throat and stares at my feet.

  I roll my eyes and take my feet off the table and put them flat on the ground.

  "Why didn't you take off your shoes when you came into the house?" Mom asks as i lean back.

"Mom! Just let it go, we can talk about it later. And it's not like you are the one that vacuums the place anyway. That's what the maids are for, so i don't see why you are complaining," I snap and Mom looks about ready to yell at me, but Dad shakes his head.

    "You can talk or yell at him later, Marissa,  but right now we are going to talk about more important stuff that will affect his future," Dad explains and i sigh. I should have seen this coming.

  "Fine," Mom says and Dad turns to look at me.

      "Son, you are a Senior this year. Now i know that you already knew that, but you haven't given your future any thought. You have yet to even send in college applications! Now, i know you are busy with football, and i always told you that football comes first and i trult believe that, but you also need to start looking ahead," Dad explains and i squeeze my eyes shut.

       "Dad, i don't know if i want to play football in college," I say quietly and i could almost swear that my dad's eyes were going to pop out of his head.

"What was that? I don't think i heard you," he snaps.

   "No, Dad, i'm pretty sure you heard me correctly," I reply and he shoots to his feet and starts pacing.

 "That is not acceptable!" He shouts.

   "Dad-" I begin.

"No! Not acceptable!" 



  "Dad! It's my future! You can't order me around," I yell and jump to my feet so that we are yelling at each other from the same heighth with only a few feet away from us.

    "You are living under my roof! Therefore i can order you around as long as i want!" He yells right back.

"I'm 18 years old, Dad! I can make my own decisions,"

   "Obviously you can't otherwise you would have applied for college and not come up with this crazy idea of not playing college football," he screams at me.

      "You can't control my life anymore," I snap.

"As long as you live in this house, i can control your life all i want," he yells.

   "Then i'm gone!" I yell at the top of my lungs and Dad freezes and stares a me. Mom lets out a tiny gasp.

     "What do you mean?" Mom whimpers.

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