Chapter 33:

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  The first place I go after the breakup, is Jerron's house. The main reason is because I know that's where LJ is and the other reason is because I have to know if Jerron knew about the bet. My heart hurts like I never thought it could and I just want the pain to stop.

   I take a deep breath and knock on Jerron's front door. His dad answers the door and smiles gently at me.

   "Well hello there, Raya. Looking for Jerron?" His dad asks and I try to smile and nod like nothing is wrong.

"Yes, sir, is he here?" I ask him quietly.

    "Yes, he is. He's up in his room with LJ," he says and I nod gratefully before walking into Jerron's room.

I don't even bother knocking on the door, I just push it open and storm into the room. LJ leaps back from kissing Jerron and glowers at me.

   "Jeez, Raya, warn us a little next time," LJ mutters, but I don't take my eyes off Jerron.

"Did you know?" I ask him and he looks confused at first.


"Did. You. Know. About. The. Bet?" I snap and realization dawns on his face.


"I can't believe you knew. You knew and you didn't say anything to me!'"

  "Raya, what are you talking about?" LJ asks in confusion and I just shake my head, but feel tears well up in my eyes again.

   "Yes, okay. But the thing is, the bet started out as just that, a bet between us friends. Hunter didn't mean to hurt you, but he made the bet when you guys hated each other," Jerron tries to explain.

“What bet? What are you guys talking about?” LJ asks in confusion.

"So that makes it okay?" I snap.

     “No, it doesn’t make it okay, but doesn’t it count for something?” Jerron continues without answering LJ.

“Maybe it would have, but right now, learning that he dated me fo some car, it counts for shit,” I say sadly and shake my head.

     “You’re just going to give up? Just like that?” Jerron calls after me, as I begin to walk out of the room. I stop and stare at the door frame.


“Hunter needs you, Raya,”

     “He never needed me,” I whisper back.

“That’s where you’re wrong. He’s become a better person around you. He needs you more than anyone will ever know," Jerron says.

   "He should have told me before now," I say quietly.

    "Would you have stayed with him?" Jerron asks.

"Maybe and maybe not, but I'll never know. He didn't give me a chance to figure it out," I reply and Jerron looks down at his hands. LJ looks even more confused, but I know that as soon as I leave that Jerron will explain everything to her and she will understand.

     I turn around and shut the door quietly behind me. As I begin to walk home, it begins to rain, which suits me just fine because it matches my mood.

  Without even realizing it, tears start rolling down my cheeks.

  "Raya?" Conner asks as his car slowly rolls up beside me.

    "Go away," I say quietly.

"You're crying," he points out.

  "No i'm not," I reply.

The Volleyball Girl and The Player?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ