Chapter 19:

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   The next day at school, I walk into the building and see Raya already at her locker talking to LJ. I saunter over to them and wrap my arm around her shoulders. Raya glances up at me with a smile and I remember how jealous she was about Angie.

   I felt  bad yesterday when Jerron explained to me why Raya was so mad. I mean, I didn't realize I was ignoring her. I was just surprised that Angie was there. I haven't seen Angie since we were both little kids. Angie and I were the best of friends and at the age of ten she moved away, which was also the same time that wee both had out first kiss with each other.

   I know, I know, thee big bad player remembers who his first kiss is? Pathetic, what kind of player am I? Well, I just so happen to be the biggest player in the whole high school. I don't know why I am so hung up on Raya, but I know that in two weeks Raya will have slept with me and I will no longer be attached to her. I mean, that's the only reason I can think of that I am attached to Raya. It's because I haven't slept with her, that has to be it.

   There is no way that I, the biggest player and hottest guy in this school, actually have feelings for a girl.

"So, Hunt, when is your first game?" Raya asks and I focus my attention back on her.

 "Uh, it's actually tomorrow,"

"Is it a home game?" LJ asks.

    "Heck yeah it is,"  Jerron says as he pokes LJ's sides. She whips around and scowls at him.

"Don't touch me,"

  "Don't be such a baby,"

I stare at both of them in confusion. I thought they liked each other? Huh....

 "Are you nervous?" Raya asks.

"About what?"

   "Jeez, the game. Are you nervous about the game?" Raya asks with a laugh.

"Oh, naw,' I reply.

  "Are your parents going to be there?"

I clench my hands and sigh.

"I doubt it, but I don't really care either way," I reply.

   "Well, why don't you try to talk to them?"

"Raya... You don't understand,"

"Well, then help me to," she says and I stare at her.

   "Raya, the thing is, you don't know my parents and I really don't want you to know anything about them," I explain and Raya looks down at her hands.

  "Well, I do really think that I can help if you just let me help you,"

 "Raya! We have been dating for a week, i don't see why you are so intent on fixing MY family problems,"

   She stares at me and i instantly feel bad for my outburst.

"I-I'm sorry," she mutters and wrings her hands together.

   "No, listen, i'm sorry. I overreacted, it's just that my parents are kind of a touchy subject for me," I say and bring her close to me. She resists for a couple of seconds, but finally rolls her eyes and wraps her arms around me.

    "I'm just trying to help,"

"I know, sorry, beautiful," I say and she kisses me lightly before grabbing her stuff out of her locker and walking off to class. LJ glares at Jerron one more time before stalking off to class.

  Jerron looks at me and smirks.

"She totally wants me,"

   "You mean, like you want her?" I tease and he scowls.

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