Chapter 41: Feeling Accomplished

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On Monday right after morning practice, which starts at 6:30 am and ends at 7:45 am, I pass the football coach in the locker room hallway. As the coach walks past me, eating a donut and drinking coffee, I know that I have to talk to him about Hunter. 

   "Hey, um, Coach, can I talk to you?" I ask him and he pauses before turning around and facing me with a nod. 

   "Sure thing, kid. What about?" He asks.

I wring my hands, debating how to start the subject. Hunter really deserves to be back on the team, but I highly doubt the football coach will listen to me, especially since I was involved in getting Hunter and Luke kicked off the team. 

    "I was wondering... If I could talk to you about Hunter being allowed back on the team," I stammer and Coach sighs and shakes his head.

"Listen, I know this wasn't Hunter's fault, or at least only his fault, but I can't show favoritsm just because he's my star player. If I let him back on the team, it will prove that everybody can get away with that stuff," he explains as he chucks the rest of his donut in the garbage. 

"I know.... I understand that, I really do, but Hunter seriously had nothing to do with it. I realize that it looks bad, but.... Everything was my fault and I will clean whatever you want for the rest of the year if you let Hunter back on the team," I say quickly.

   There is a pause and I squeeze my eyes closed, hoping that he will agree to it. I mean, I really don't want to clean things for the rest of the year, but Hunter deserves to be a part of the team his last year of high school. 

"You do realize that if you are taking full blame for this situation then Luke will be allowed back on the team," the coach warns and I mutter a curse beneath my breath. Well, I should have seen that coming. No, Luke does not deserve to be back on the team, but if it means that Hunter is back on, then I guess it will have to be fine. 

  "Yes, I know," I reply quietly.

"Well, the announcing box needs to be scraped clean of bird poop," the coach says with a grin. I grind my teeth, but smile and nod anyway. 

   "Sure thing, and thank you so much! When... When do you want me to clean the announcing box off?" I ask.

"How about today after school?" 

   "Yeah, that's fine. I don't have volleyball practice after school because we had morning practice today," I explain and the coach nods.

   "Yeah, I figured you guys did. But okay, and thank you for setting me straight on the situation," he says before turning and walking away. 

Of course he would pick scraping off bird crap.... I should have known... The announcing box is not a small building and it is going to take me a long time to scrape all of that stuff off it, but it really is worth it since Hunter is now allowed back on the team. He deserves this.

   I quickly change back into my school clothes, grab my backpack, and head to my locker. Hunter is leaning against my locker talking to Will when I get there. I stare at Hunte expectently until he finally gets the hint and gets off my locker so that I can get into it. 

   I spin the dial to my combination and shove my bag in there and grab my first period class book. 

"How is that girl from Pizza Hut?" Hunter asks Will. Will grins and shrugs.

"She's pretty great actually. She's very funny and sweet," Will says and I raise my eyebrows at him. 

  "You have a girlfriend?" I ask him and he blushes. It's strange seeing him blush, he's not really the blushing kind.

The Volleyball Girl and The Player?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن