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After walking for some minute, we got to a clearing. Camping tents were already set up so even a dummy can tell what this is all about. They chose the worst teachers to escort;they chose the mean teachers so we better stay out of their way. I will be heartbroken if this whole trip gets cancelled after Angela talked my ears out for a week.
"Hey guys, I know you guys have already guessed what we are doing judging by the set up. We are going to camp out here for two days then we head to our next destination. We are going to have lots of fun activities. So you are allowed to share a tent with your friends. In each tents, there are three sleeping bags. You are allowed to choose any tent you deem fit. There is a note that gives you a summary on what we will be doing for the two days." Daniel addressed and I let out a breath.
I thought I was going to stay in a tent with a complete stranger.
Amanda picked a tent at the middle. The tents are arranged in a circle. Woods are placed in the middle for fire. "I call dibs on this one"she squealed and I shake my head at her childishness.
"Lily, Stephanie and I" she added as Angela settled for the one beside us.
The problem is we are seven so that means one person has to sleep with our other set mates. "Don't worry guys, I will look for some girls to hook up with"Rob said and I rolled my eyes at him. Well that is settled.
"I want to take a stroll" Amanda said. "That makes two of us" Angela replied and Rose agreed to follow them too. "Steph you coming?" Amanda asked and I shook my head. I don't feel like doing any sightseeing right now.
Lily is nowhere to be found and it is obvious she is still with Mike. Wouldn't be surprised if she decides to share a tent with him.
I entered the tent and chose the sleeping bag at the far end of the tent.
I placed my box beside it and settled on it.
I picked up the note on my sleeping bag :
Breakfast at 8am.
Lunch at 2pm.
Dinner at 7pm.
Hiking at 3pm after lunch today,
Other activities would be planned later.
Nobody is allowed to wander around to avoid getting lost in the forest.

I checked the time and realized it's 12pm. That means I have two more hours to lunch. I don't feel sleepy since I slept all the way here. My phone feels useless. I knew I should have accepted their request. I can't be bored to death in here.
I headed back outside grabbing my phone. I spotted them in a far distance and I broke into a run to catch up with them. "Hold up"I said raising my voice so they could hear him. I sighed when Rose turned around. "Well look who decided to join us" Amanda smirked and I shrugged not bothering to reply as we continued walking.
We didn't go too far to avoid getting lost. Just a few distance from the tents.
Angela took a few pictures with her camera. "This is really nice. Like I haven't camped my whole life" I confessed and they all plastered a shocked look except Rose. "Woah!" Angela gasped and I rolled my eyes at her.
Drama queen! "I didn't know it is a sin to have never camped before"I snickered and she glared at me.
"I haven't camped before too"Rose chimed in and I gave her a look that screamed thank you.
"Why? What have you guys been doing?" she asked and I groaned. "Other things" I grumbled. "If I say I haven't gone hiking, bowling, sky diving, skating_" I was interrupted by Angela's expression.
"Oh my god! I need to teach you a lot. Be grateful you have a friend like me"she said and I just shook my head at her.
How she plans to achieve that is known by her alone.
"I am starving, when are we getting lunch?" Amanda mumbled.
"2pm"I replied and she gave me a confused look like how did you know that?
"You would have also known that if you entered the tent first and read the note on your sleeping bag" I replied and she scoffed.
"We better head back then" Rose said after checking her wristwatch.
We have about fifteen minutes to two. We strolled back. "Where did you guys go off to? I have been looking everywhere for you" Lily said immediately she got to us.
"Sorry we took a stroll" I said and she pouted. "Without me that is unfair"she pouted. "You would have followed us if you weren't hanging out with your boy" Amanda stated the obvious and she shrugged. "I am sorry for abandoning you guys" she said and I dismissed it with a wave. "No one is stopping you from spending time with him" Amanda said and she smiled at us.
"Lunchtime" a voice boomed and we all turned to the middle.
The teachers are handing out disposable lunch boxes to each student. We walked there to collect ours.

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