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The hurtful comments have gotten worse but I have heard lot of it that I have become totally numb to it all.
Asher has been spotting different girls everyday. I left him for just few days and boom he went back to his Casanova ways.
I broke up with him but I am sure I can't get over him that fast.
After all we shared, I can't believe it didn't mean anything to him.
He is suppose to be hung up on me just like I am doing now.
My final exam is starting today and I hope it goes well. I diverted practically all my energy into it. The rest went into going into the bathroom to cry my eyes out anytime I see him with other girls.
I love him so much that it hurts each time. The hurtful comments didn't hurt as much as the pain I felt when I see him with other girls.
I haven't stepped foot into the cafeteria since that day. I just couldn't find the courage to face everyone. I might have gotten numb to the comment but it still hurt sometimes.
Olive and Ian brings snack to me in the library. They have been helping me a lot and I am so thankful for them.
My friends tried to get back with me but I am still mad at them for ignoring me when I needed them the most.
I know I am suppose to share things with them and I know I made that decision in haste. They should have been by my side.
I am sure I am going to forgive them later on but definitely not now.
I was walking down the hallway to get my books from my locker. I stopped at the sight in front of me. He was standing with a girl leaning against five lockers away. I took a deep breath and opened my locker. I tried to take my books out quickly but stopped when I heard moans. I peeped out and my eyes widened. He was busy shoving his mouth down her throat.
I quickly turned back to my locker and wiped the lone tear.
I took my books and slammed it shut.
"So pathetic"I heard the girl say as I moved fast away from them.
I heard chuckles afterward and strode off to the bathroom.
It fucking hurts but we aren't together anymore. I still feel like he isn't suppose to be like this.
I stood in front of the sink and buried my head in my hands. The scene kept replaying in my head making me grunt.
I turned on the tap and splashed water on my face in an attempt to forget all about it. "Oh look it's the ex"I heard the most annoying voice and I groaned.
Not today! Why? Come on!
"Good to see you too Katrina" I said with a fake smile and washed my hands hoping she would get the message, that I am not interested in discussing anything with her now. "I knew you two wouldn't last"she sneered and proceeded to mimic my action. "I am sure you didn't. What is your business in all of this? The last time I checked, you have a boyfriend" I said with a raised eyebrow.
"Had. He was just to pass time but now I can be finally where I belong"she squealed and I bit my lips to stop myself from laughing at her stupidness. I am now interested in talking to her.
"You broke with him even though you are not sure Asher is going to want anything to do with you" I smirked and she scoffed.
"He dumped you for a reason"
"Correction, I broke up with him" I said and she scoffed.
"Yeah right! And you really expect me to believe that? How would you break up with him? You are just saying this to look good in front of people"she said and I rolled my eyes.
Obviously, no one is going to believe me.
"Congrats on your operation becoming Asher's chick"
"I am going to be his girlfriend"she smirked and I chuckled.
"You are the most delusional person I have ever met in my entire life. You tried to ruin our relationship but failed. He didn't want you then, so why do you think he would want you now?" I turned off the tap and turned to face her.
"He would never reject this. I am sure you did something to him then"she pouted and I shook my head amused.
"Note this Katrina that I am the only girl he would ever date. Consider yourself lucky if you get the position of his one time fling. I still got the role of the main girl, first ever" I smirked at her not bothering to see her reaction before walking out.
I grinned and headed to my class. It's always fun riling her up and now I think I can stand up to those fools.
I can't let them keep saying shit about me.
I walked into my class and got my supplies ready.
My first paper for this exam.
The teacher entered and distributed the papers. I just hope all my hard work wouldn't be all for nothing.
I stretched my hands as I submitted my last paper for the day.
I didn't blackout in any of them so that was enough reason to put a smile on my face. I walked out and groaned.
I tried walking in the opposite direction but I was stopped by someone's hand on my shoulder. "Come on Stephanie, you can't be mad at us forever"Amanda said and I scoffed moving a few feet from them. "I am not really mad but disappointment is the best way to explain what I am feeling. You guys left me when I needed you the most. I was hurting from the hurtful comments but all you cared about was that I didn't inform you about the shit going on in my life. I am so glad I had Olive and Ian with me every step of the way" I explained and they plastered a sad look on.
"We are really sorry. We were being childish. We were just mad that you didn't include us in your life that much. We should be there when you were hurting to comfort you but our egos got in the way. School is ending soon and we don't wanna end it on bad terms"Angela said and I sighed.
"I forgive you guys" I said and they squealed. They pulled me into a group hug and I smiled.
"We really missed you"Lily mumbled and I replied saying the same.
"Where are you heading to?"Rose asked.
"To the library to meet up with Olive" I replied and they nodded in understanding.
"I will meet up with you guys later, I want to go discuss something with my literature teacher"Amanda said and hugged me tightly.
The others also have things to do so I headed to the library.
I greeted Mrs Pika and I was glad she didn't bring up my breakup.
Nobody knows the full story so they just assumed he broke up with me.
I am sure she would have wanted to say I told you so.
"Hey"I greeted Olive and settled beside her. She was smiling as usual but this smile was different.
Like something made her extremely happy. I smirked and moved closer to her.
"You are smiling?"she blushed at my comment and I giggled.
I put my hand under my chin to think.
"Is it about Ian?" I smiled and her blush confirmed it had everything to do with him.
""she didn't meet my gaze and I chuckled at that. "Come on, just spill it out. This will really make my day"
"The day would be ending soon"she said and I rolled my eyes.
"Pretty please" I placed my hands on her shoulder and shook her a bit.
"You look awful with that thing you call a puppy dog eyes"she sneered and I gasped.
Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth in shock. "I didn't just say that"she said and glanced at me.
"I am so sorry. Don't be mad at me"she pleaded and I snorted.
"We are FRIENDS so we can insult each other. You look like an idiot" I said and she giggled.
"Thanks"she said and I huffed.
"I was going to tell you anyway. Uhm, I.say..this?. Well..I_"
"Just get to the point girl" I grumbled and she took deep breaths.
"Ianaskedmeoutonadate"she rushed out and I couldn't process it.
"Say it again but slowly" I said and she groaned. ""she blushed crimson red and I squealed lowly. I am not sure Mrs Pika would like it if I scream the library down.
"That is super great news" I hugged her tight and she chuckled.
"When is it?" I asked remembering that was an important part of it.
"This Saturday"she replied and I squealed lowly again.
"I am sure he didn't tell you where you are going" I said and she nodded.
"He said to dress simple and casual" she added beaming.
"Thank goodness. We would be done with this exam by then. I would help you choose an outfit and dress you up"I beamed and her eyes widened.
"You are going to help me?"she said and I groaned. "I am going to make a journal for you on HOW FRIENDS BEHAVE. My friends helped me dress up for my first date with Asher. They woke me up so early in the morning and literally gave me a makeover. He took me to the Times Square and Central Park. We explored everywhere and he asked me to be his girlfriend at the summit rock. Like who does that on first date?" I chuckled and stopped when I recalled we aren't together anymore.
She noticed my change in mood and squeezed my shoulder. "No time for bad energy. I can sleepover at your house on Friday to give you some emotional support. He might even ask you out officially"I clapped my hands through and she started coughing.
"'"she mumbled and bit her lower lip.
"You are an idiot. I feel like hitting you with something sometimes to reset your brain. These past few days made me finally realized what it is meant to be a third wheel. You guys are always lost in each other's eyes ignoring my existence.
Should I talk about the secret glances?
The constants stare down waiting for one of you to break it off.
The nervousness and excitement to be with each other.
We are talking right now but you have glanced towards the entrance for more than five minutes" I explained and she blushed hard.
"How was your exam?"she cleared her throat first and I raised an eyebrow at her.
"If you are trying to change the topic then you are unlucky. We are going to finish this conversation" I smirked and she pouted.
"I can't win with you"she grumbled and I smirked more.
"Do you like him?" I asked and she sighed. "I do. How could I not?"
"Ian is the man of your dreams"I teased and she grunted.
"If you don't stop, I am going to leave" I held up my hands in surrender.
"Finally. Let's do some actual studying"she breathed out.
"We were studying Ian and Olive's chemistry"
"Stephanie! I don't like you much"she grumbled and I laughed softly.
"Oh you sure don't" I replied and she huffed.
Teasing her is the best way to lighten up my mood.
Damn, I love this girl so much.
"I don't want to go to the cafeteria" I grunted plopping down on the chair.
"You can't keep running away from everything"Amanda said and I groaned.
"She is right"Ian said and I gasped.
"Are you two also in on this?" I pointed at him and Olive to which they nodded.
I groaned and sighed.
"We will be with you. We would rip anyone who tries to say anything bad about you head off"Amanda chimed in and I pursed my lips.
"I don't really have a choice" I stood up from the chain and walked outside.
They quickly matched my strides.
I took deep breaths as I stood in front of the door. I wanted to put my hood over my head but Angela yanked it off. I glared at her and she looked unfazed.
"No need to hide, everyone can identify you quickly"Lily said and I pouted.
I can do this.
I opened the door and walked in. A lot of people stopped what they were doing to look at us.
I bit my lips and ignored the stares as I went to collect my food.
I did that quickly and settled on a empty chair. People were still staring and I groaned. "Can't you guys mind your fucking business?" I said raising my voice making sure they all heard me.
They looked shocked and quickly turned back to their table.
"Now that is what I am talking about"Amanda said and I huffed.
I ate my fries and smoothie. I glanced at his table trying to be subtle about it.
He was talking to another girl and I wish I had checked his reaction when I told them off.
He looked so good and a few tendrils of his hair fell on his forehead. My hands itched to remove it from his face.
I have to get the fact that I don't have any right over him anymore.
I let him go so I should try to forget him.
I glanced at Ian and Olive sharing a plate of food. Her cheeks were tinted pink and he was smiling. She met my gaze and I winked at her making her face flush.
I stuffed my mouth with fries to stop myself from laughing at her reaction.
"We will be done with this shitty school in just three days. Then the basketball championship, prom, graduation"Angela squealed and I shook my head at her.
The basketball championship.
It comes up Next week Monday.
I really wish him all the best. I am not sure if I should attend the game.
I can't even wear his jersey to the game.
You didn't have any problem not wearing it few days ago.
Jeez! I was being stupid.
"When are we shopping for our prom dresses?"Angela asked bringing out a small notepad.
"We should go on next week. I would have to schedule us another appointment at my aunt's beauty home. Then I have to get my stylist and makeup artist ready for that occasion. I have got so much to do"Angela groaned and we exchanged a knowing look.
That shows displeasure. This took me back to when we were preparing for the trip. That brought us closer.
Camping, that really did it. I couldn't help the small smile as I remembered the first time we went there. We actually got into a heated argument.
Like I actually insulted him.
Then we made up and did a lot of late night talking.
Florida, that brought us together a lot. I learnt a lot of things about him.
The club, where we went on a date. It might not be considered as that to him at that time. It was that to me.
We jogged in the morning a lot and the conversation at the rooftop. He broke my heart when he told me he didn't do relationships.
Miami, his cabin and the beach.
Paris, the city of love. I still remember that picture he photobombed in the Eiffel Tower.
The kiss in the hallway.
The ignoring which lasted for a month.
Then he saved me from Katrina's ball claws. He apologized and boom we started dating.
Then we broke up.
We have really come far. All those times look like they happened yesterday.
A hand jolted me and I quickly snapped out of it. "You have zoned for ten straight minutes. What were you thinking about?"Angela asked and I shrugged.
"You behaving like this took me back to our senior year trip" I replied honestly and they hummed in response.
"That feels like a lifetime ago"Lily said.
"It feels just like yesterday to me. I bonded with As_" I paused and didn't bother scanning their faces. Which I am sure is spotting a sad and pity look.
I have gotten fed up of seeing that.
It was my choice so I don't need their pity.
"Don't think you are excluded from any of this plans"Angela narrowed her eyes at Olive making the latter's eyes widen.
"You want to spend time with me"she said and Angela playfully smacked her arm.
"You are dumb"Lily said.
"She is. How many times do I have to tell you that you dummy have grown on all of us? We consider you a very close friend" I grumbled and she smiled.
"Get ready to have a blast with planning Angela"Rose said with a sarcastic smile and we chuckled except the person in question.
"Is that suppose to be a bad thing?"she turned to us and we shrugged. "Babe, a little help here"she turned to Rob who pecked her lips.
"I am just glad I am not included in any of those plans"he replied and she gasped.
"I hate you all"she pouted and crossed her hands over her chest.
We laughed at that.
It's fun hanging out with all of them.
The bell rang and we got up.
"I hope I ace this one"Amanda grumbled and tossed her packs into the trash can.
I followed suit after assuring her she would. She scowled and I gave a thumbs up. We headed to our different classes. Ian walked with me since our class are in the same direction. "You finally grew the balls to ask her out" I said to him and he chuckled.
"I didn't know when was the right time to do that"
"She is excited. Are you going to share your plans with me?"
"Nope. Prepare to be surprised"he said and I scoffed.
I cleared my throat and fiddled with my fingers not sure if I should ask him this.
"How is Asher?"I asked and he raised an eyebrow.
"He is fine?"
"I know, I see him everyday. I mean at practice. I know how important this game is to him. Scouts are coming and this is really the IT for him" I explained.
"He hasn't been his best lately to be honest. It's really upsetting coach"he replied and I felt sad at that.
That must be really hard for him. He looks FINE, he hangs out with his friends.
He smirks.
Make out.
Sleep around.
Looks good.
No bags under his face like mine.
It's hard to sleep.
Anytime I close my eyes, I have dreams about him other girls. The images taunt me in my sleep and they mock me in the dreams also.
I have converted my sleepless nights into studying. I have got to take advantage of that.
"I should be asking you the same. You've got bags under your eyes and they are bloodshot. Do you even sleep at all?"he asked with a concerned look stopping in front of his class.
"I study hard every night so I get little to no sleep. I can't afford to fail this. It's my last resort" I told him the practical truth to not worry him.
"Don't stress yourself too hard. Good thing we have just three days left for this"he sighed and I nodded in agreement.
"I will see you later"he said and entered his class.
Mine was just few meters away.
I entered the class and settled in my perfect seat.
I hope I will get back to normal soon.
Today done and dusted!
Just one more day left.
I rubbed my eyes and felt tired. I really need to work on my sleeping plans.
"And I see you again"a voice said with a hint of disgust and I lifted my head up.
"I could say the same for you" I retorted and moved forward.
He blocked my way and I gave him a menacing look. "You look so much uglier than the last time"
"I don't have time for this nonsense Mason" I grumbled.
"I was sure he broke up with you to get with my girl. How come this happened just after I got back together with Katrina? She broke up with me because of him. I really thought that wasn't going to happen this time. This is all your fault.
If you had satisfied him well enough then he wouldn't need my girlfriend to help him"he pointed a finger at me and I raised my eyebrow in shock.
"I don't even know who is more delusional between you and your girlfriend. If she broke up with you then how is that any of my business? I didn't ask her to do that and chase after Asher" I said and walked away.
I don't want to hear another word from his mouth. I moved very fast but still heard him shout some profanities.
They are both so stupid.
I headed to the library and to the back.
No one was there yet so I took out my books.
Let's get this finish.
I walked out and groaned. I stared at the heavy rain pouring down.
I should have just listened to my friends and left with them.
I don't even think that anyone is left in school right now.
I lost track of time and this happened.
This took me back to the first time he came to my house.
He helped me in a situation like this.
A lone tear escaped and I wiped it quickly.
I am never going to get over him.
I heard footsteps and I turned to the sound. My eyes widened and I adjusted my hood to cover my face.
I felt a sense of deja vu. Nervousness took over me since I didn't know how to react with my ex boyfriend.
Correction, the guy I broke up with abruptly.
He looked indifferent and stood a few meters away from me.
"Mom is going to kill me"I heard him say as I shifted my weight from one leg to the other. He brought out his phone and got busy on it.
"Fuck"he cussed and I smiled.
Hearing his voice after so long made butterflies erupt in my stomach.
It's like having water after being thirsty for so long.
I cleared my throat and he turned to me for a sec. He scowled and averted his gaze. "Of all people, I have got to be stuck with her"he mumbled but loud enough for me to hear. My heart dropped and my eyes got blurry.
He sighed and put his hood over his head.
He put his phone back in his backpack and rubbed his hands together.
He let out a deep breath and took off.
I fell to the ground and sobbed. He wasn't even concerned about me.
He was angry that he was stuck with me.
I thought.
That history was going to repeat itself again. He is going to help you home after you broke his heart.
I buried my head in my hands and sobbed. I didn't even care if someone was watching me in this state.
It turned into hiccups and I brought my knee to my chest. I plopped my head down on it and stared right ahead.
How am I going to get out of here?
I think I deserved that.
I rubbed my hands together as the cold started kicking in. My hoodie wasn't even enough to protect me.
I could go back into the school but I didn't want to. I wanted to stay here and suffer this.
With teeth clattering, I took out my phone and dialed my dad's number.
Thankfully, he was just getting out of work and will pick me soon.
I wiped my face not wanting him to see me like this.
I don't know how many minutes I spent sitting down in the cold.
"What are you doing out here sweetie?"my dad's voice made me look up. "I was waiting for you" I replied and grabbed his extended hand.
"You could catch a cold"he pulled me up and I sighed.
I don't really care. I just want this pain and guilt to end.
I ruined things but I want him to forgive me. I want him to stop seeing other girls.
It hurts.
"You will be fine. Your mom told me everything"he said as we settled in the comfort of the truck.
He turned on the heater and drove out of the school.
I just nodded and faced outside.
I just want to be fine.
Is that so much to ask?

Another sad chapter.
The good part is coming soon.
I have got a little surprise at the ending of the book.

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