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Sleep tight- A.
Same - S.
I let out a sigh of relief. I was kinda scared to text him not knowing what to expect.
Having him over still feels like a dream. I nuzzled my nose into my dad's hoodie which smells a lot like him now.
Sorry dad but you are never getting this back.
You are a creep.
I can be his creep.
Cheesy, I hate.
I don't care about what you like and don't like. Enough about boys!
I think it is just one boy.
Your problem.
I settled in my reading chair and proceeded to do my assignments.
I finished minutes later and decided to read for a while.
I covered my mouth as I yawned.
Time to call it a day.

"You guys are doing great. Don't worry, we will wrap this up before lunchtime" I assured scanning through everyone's face.
We are busy practicing for the play.
'I do protest, I never injured thee, / But love thee better than thou canst devise'.
The part when a fight broke out between Mercutio and Tybalt comes up. Which ends with Mercutio being stabbed after Romeo gets in the way. While dying, Mercutio curses both houses of Capulet and Montague exclaiming 'A plaque o' both your houses! I am sped'. In revenge for his friend's death,Romeo seeks out Tybalt and kills him. When the prince arrives he announces 'And for that offence / Immediately we do exile him hence.'
"That was really nice guys" I said feeling proud of them.
The teacher entered into the hall. "This place looks good. I hope you all are getting the hang of it, the play is a week from now" the teacher said.
"Yes sir" I assured and his lips twitched up a bit.
He walked out and we concluded. Asher was talking to Sosa and she was really blushing hard. I glared at the duo before sauntering off to the cafeteria.
I collected my food tray and headed to my friends. "How is the play going?" Amanda asked and I managed to mumble 'good'.
"You okay?" Angela asked and I nodded with a fake smile.
I should stop thinking about them. There is nothing going on between them, they are working together so it is only nice that they start hanging out.
I forced myself to finish my food. I walked out as the bell rang.
Such a bad day!
The good part is that the play is going to be done soon then they wouldn't need to see each other everyday.
Acting like a jealous girlfriend doesn't suit you.
I know. I feel so dumb right now. It is all his fault, he made me like him so much.
He didn't do anything.
Stop pointing out the obvious and make me have this moment.
It is Friday so I don't have to see their face until Monday.
The rest of the day ended in a blur. I said my goodbyes and headed to the bus stop.
On getting home, I changed my clothes then proceeded to cook dinner.
I ate some and watched a movie. I read afterwards and fell asleep.
"I feel like it has been so long since we have spend times together" my mom said with a sad smile.
"It has been. You have been so busy with work that you come home after I go to sleep" I stated and she sighed.
"We are going to have a fun day today. We are eating out for dinner" she said and I squealed a bit. We haven't done this in a long time.
She got off work in the afternoon today which is quite early.
"First let's head to the beauty shop. I need a new haircut and my nails need painting" my mom said and my eyes scanned her hair which was reaching her elbow.
"Go get dressed and we will be off" she announced and I headed to my room. I throw on a cute sweater and jeans with my white vans.
I put my hair in a ponytail and applied just lipgloss.
I headed back outside to see my mom there. She was dressed in a black button up shirt and jeans pairing it up with black flats. She applied some makeup.
She grabbed her purse and we walked out.
The beauty shop isn't really far from my house so we can just walk there.
"Hey Rhoda" my mom greeted the owner as we entered.
"Zara, it has been so long since you have come here" the woman replied hugging my mom. "I have been busy with home and all" my mom admitted and the woman just gave her a soft smile. Her eyes landed on me. "How are you doing?" she asked . "I am good ma'am" I replied politely.
"Take a seat, I will be with you in a minute" she said gesturing to the chairs lined up at the side.
The shop was busy because there were lot of people. I got myself busy with a fashion magazine I saw on the table in front of me. "I am deciding to cut my hair to shoulder length. Will it look good on me?" my mom asked and I tried imagining her with it. "You are beautiful so you can pull anything off" I commented and she patted my shoulders. The woman called her and she went off leaving me alone.
I continued reading the magazine.
"Done, do you like it?" a voice asked and I didn't bother looking up from the magazine tired of hearing the same words over and over again.
"Yes it looks pretty. My nails look cute too. Thank you" I heard my mom's voice so I looked up.
The new hair really fitted her. It made her look a little younger than her real age.
I stand up excited to leave this place. I would have painted my nails but I didn't feel like it. "You look good mom" I commented immediately she got to me.
"I know right" she beamed and twirled a little. We giggled a bit before heading out.
"Let's go eat, I am starving" my mom said and my stomach growled at the thought.
We entered a diner close to the beauty shop. A waitress led us to a table and we settled down. She handed us a menu and I read through it. "What would you like to have?" she asked bringing out her notepad.
"I will have the rice with fresh vegetables and roasted beef" I said and dropped the menu.
"I will have what she is having".
"Water is fine" my mom replied and she sauntered off.
She came back minutes later with our order. We dug in and it tastes good.
We ate in silence. My mom paid and gave the waitress a tip.
"I feel relaxed" my mom mumbled and I nodded agreeing with her.
"We are acting a play about the book of Romeo and Juliet. I was put in charge of coordinating the whole thing" I blurted out as we walked home.
"That is nice" she replied with a smile.
"It is next week. I just hope it all works out" I mumbled fiddling with my fingers.
"It will since you my daughter is put in charge" she squealed and I shake my head at her.
"Thanks mom" I said bad put a hand around her neck.
We walked home like that.
We decided to end the day with a movie spree.
It is so good spending time with her after so long.
It is the day of the play and I am actually excited and nervous. It is part of my grade so I hope they don't wreck this off. I actually need this. "No that can't be there, put it at the side" I groaned out for the nth time. I am busy trying to make everything perfect.
I headed backstage to check if everyone is ready. The actors were busy dressing up and I headed to my favorite person. "How are you doing?"  I asked leaning in front of the mirror in front of him.
"I am okay. You?"
"I am kinda nervous about this whole thing" I replied fiddling with my fingers.
"Don't worry, we practiced this a lot so we aren't going to wreck it" he said softly making me smile up at him.
"How do I look?" he asked with a smirk.
He definitely knows he look great but he needs to hear it from me.
The outfit fitted him perfectly. His usual messy hair is gelled back to compliment the outfit. "You look good" I complimented and his smile widened.
"Thanks" he said. Unexpectedly, he kissed me on the cheek, the right one to be precise before walking off. I unconsciously touched my cheek and blushed hard. Thank goodness he isn't here to see me being a mess just over one kiss.
A kiss to the cheek actually.
I would have liked for him to kiss me on the lips instead. I couldn't stop thinking about that the whole week we kissed. He had to go ruin it by ignoring me but now we are good.
The play is starting and you are here thinking about all that.
It is important to me.
And your grade isn't?
Stop putting words in my mouth.
I headed outside and stood at the side watching it all.

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