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I tugged on his jersey as I headed to the back or should I say the back my friends forced me into.
Apparently now that I was special to him, I have gotta wish him good luck before any game.
Their words not mine.
I stood at the entrance watching their coach tell them the last minute stuffs.
"Thank God you are here with me" Lily mumbled beside me. Yeah we were both forced to come here.
It didn't look too awkward since there were other players' people here too.
"Yeah"I murmured fiddling with my fingers.
What if he gets mad at me doing this?
We are not official yet so what would he think about this.
Lily's case is different since they are already together and in love.
Don't think too much. Just get over with it!
Glad that my nice sub is back but I know it isn't for too long.
"Okay boys. You better make me proud"the coach's voice boomed and the boys cheered. "You all can leave now except Asher" the coach ordered and the others went out with their people.
Even Lily left me and now I am alone.
They exchanged words which I couldn't make out.
The coach patted him on the shoulder and turned to the exit; towards me.
He arched an eyebrow as I greeted him.
I squirmed under his gaze. Why wouldn't I? He is the evil coach.
He just stared at Asher then back at me.
He shook his head with his lips twitched up before heading out.
"Hey" he said heading over to me.
My heart fluttered at how good he looks.
"You look good in my jersey" he smirked out and I smiled.
"Thank you, you look good too" I blurted out which widened his smirk more.
"I am here to wish you good luck" I said fiddling with my fingers.
"That is so thoughtful of you" he grinned and put a stray strand of my hair behind my ear. My heart fluttered at that.
"So"I trailed not sure if I should take the bold step.
Do it!
I leaned towards him and stand on my toes. I placed my hands on his neck while he looked at me amused.
I pecked his cheek and whispered good luck. "I am not taking that as my good luck kiss" he said as I pulled away.
"Since when did you start needing good luck kiss?" I smirked out.
"Starting from now" he whispered next to my ear before capturing my lips with his.
I kissed him back wrapping my hand on his neck and his on my waist.
He pulled away as the buzzer went off. "That is my cue. Will I see you at the after party?" he asked and I scoffed.
"How are you so sure you are going to win?"I asked crossing my hands over my chest.
"Have you seen me play? Babe, this championship is mine" he smirked.
"Cocky much" I said shaking my head.
"You better get used to it because I plan on keeping you around for long" he said and pecked me on the cheek. He left before I could comprehend his words.
Woah! Did he mean that?
I grinned and quickly made myself presentable.
Oh shit!
He went out with my red lipstick stained on his lips.
Well it isn't the first time he is like that.
You are right. I walked out and headed back to my friends.
He got us the front seat so we could see everything. "How did it go?" Angela asked smirking at me.
I gave a thumbs up. "My innocent Stephanie, you were to wish him good luck but you ended up making out in there. Bad girl!" Amanda whispered yelled making my cheeks crimson red.
I looked around making sure no one heard her. It is already bad I am wearing his shirt. I can feel people staring at me.
I can hear a few whispers but choose to ignore. They can be judgmental for all I care. They are jealous I am the one to wear his jersey and not them.
I watched Katrina lead the cheerleaders as they did their dance routine.
They were applauded and the player entered into the court.
People cheered.
Go Asher!

You've got it boys.

You are going down Blossom High.

The championship is ours.

I love you Asher.

That was a lot of screaming that I thought my ears were going to come off.
The game started and I watched closely.
The winner could already be decided from the beginning of the game.
People were so invested in watching the game, so the environment at the game was charged and exciting.
Cheers erupted as Asher scored a goal.
The game ended and my school won.
The coach didn't crack a smile even though the boys won.
People jumped onto the court after the game. I sat on the bleachers as I watched him celebrate with his teammates.
He looked around and stopped when he spotted me. He mouthed something to me like I told you so. He flashed me his million dollar smile and focused back on one of his teammates who was trying to catch his attention.
I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I did my business and was rinsing my hands. Katrina and her minions came in after and I groaned.
Why does the universe like doing this to me?
She eyed my jersey and I stared at her through the mirror. "How did you get him to give you this?" she asked and my eyes widened in disbelief.
I turned off the faucet and faced her. "Excuse me" I sneered out and she scoffed mimicking my last action.
"Did you give him the best time? That is definitely not the answer because I give the best sex. What did you do?" she said and I gave her a look as if to say are you kidding me?
"Mind you I haven't slept with this guy. We have something nice going on?" I retorted and she rolled her eyes.
"Of course, he wants to get you to sleep with him. Why else will he be getting closer to someone like you?" she eyed me with disgust and I clenched my fist to stop myself from punching her.
Relax Stephanie! Violence is not always the answer.
It can be.
You just want to put me into trouble which explains how much you love me.
I decided to ignore her and headed to the exit. "Trust me darling, you wouldn't last. He will always come back to me. You will be left heartbroken. I am advising you to stop talking to him so as to avoid that" she said in a sweet voice that made me irritated. "Keep your advice to yourself. You are just jealous of me. I am the first girl to stick around with him for so long. It is normal for attention seeker like you to feel bad about it. Trust me darling, you will feel bad for a very long time" I gritted out matching her tone making sure to emphasize my every word.
She glared hard at me and I smirked at her. I walked out and heard her shout. Her minions are so going to get it.
I was about to enter the court but was called back. "Hi" Jones said breathlessly and I realized I haven't been seeing him in school.
"Hey. It has been so long. Where have you been?" I asked curiously.
"I have got some stuffs going on with my family so I had to take some time off school" he said rubbing his neck not wanting to say more. I decided not to push it and just changed the topic. "I didn't know you like watching basketball" I said.
"I just needed something to take my mind off things" he mumbled and I nodded.
He must be going through a lot and I wondered what it is. "I just wanted to say hi when I saw you approaching. I have to leave now" he said.
"Sure. Take care of yourself" I said and he waved. I watched his retreating figure before heading inside.
"Told you we were going to win" a voice said behind me and I can sense hint of pride in it.
"I didn't say you were not going to win" I said after turning around.
He has changed into a black hoodie and pair of joggers with Nike sneakers.
"Mhmm" he hummed out and I rolled my eyes. "So you coming with me to the after party?" he asked and I was conflicted.
I wasn't ready to meet his teammates now since we are still trying to figure out what is going on between us.
I am scared to meet them. What if they don't like me? Most of them have girlfriends from the cheerleading team and I am nowhere close to being popular.
"I would have love to but my mom wants me home for some stuffs" I lied through my teeth hoping he buys it.
If he didn't believe, he didn't say anything about it. "Okay no problem, there will be other times" he said and I nodded smiling.
There will be other times.
His voice kept ringing in my head.
"Let me take you home" he said and I agreed immediately.
"Sure, I just have to say goodbye to my friends" I say and scanned around.
I made my way over as I spotted them.
"There you are, we are going to the after party. Are you coming?" Amanda asked and I shook my head.
"Why not?" Angela pouted.
"My mom wants me home" I repeated the same lie.
"Oh Asher! Congrats on your win" Rose said shyly and I turned around to see him behind me.
"Thank you... Rose"he said with a small smile and she grinned happy he remembers her name.
"Congrats man"Rob said and they did the bro handshake.
"Asher is taking me home" I said and the girls gave me a teasing look.
"So bye" I said and gave them each a hug.
Asher walked in front of me. "Don't forget to use protection" Amanda whispered yelled making heat creeped onto my face.
"Amanda" I said shocked and hoped he didn't hear that.
I left them laughing at my blushing state.
We headed to the car park and he stopped in front of a nice looking sport car.
How loaded are this people?
He opened the door for me before heading to his side.
He started the car and he drove in silence. "You really wanna win the championship?" I asked in an attempt to start a conversation before I am bored to death.
"Yeah. It has been my dream since I heard about it as a little boy. If I do win it, I will be the first to win it for the school. The honor that comes with that then I can be sure to badge a scholarship at an Ivy college" he replied and I am glad he shares things with me.
"I believe you will" I said and squeezed his hand resting on the car divider. He squeezed mine back and I didn't pull my hands away hoping he wouldn't do the same. It was calming and comforting.
He pulled up in front of my house and I sadly pulled my hand out of his.
He kissed my lips shortly. "Goodnight cupcake" he said and I mumbled a goodnight to him.
I got out and leaned on the window.
"Have fun but not too much. Too bad I can't be there" I pouted.
"You still have time to choose to go with me" he said and the offer sounded tempting.
I am not ready.
I shook my head and he waved as he rolled the dark tinted window back up.
I watched him go out of sight before heading inside.
I changed into a comfy shorts leaving his jersey on.
I headed to the kitchen to fix a quick food.
I made a turkey sandwich and headed back to my room.
I decided to study before going to bed.
I yawned and closed my books.
Getting under the covers and recollect the events of today.
Putting Katrina in her place.
Jones having some issues going on.
Asher winning the game.
That is a lot in a day.
It didn't have to end there.
Well I wasn't ready for the next step.
I waited until darkness engulfed me.
I didn't see you in school today? - S.
I sighed after I sent that text to Asher. I didn't see him in school and I couldn't go ask his pals. I already said goodbyes to my friends and I am on my way to bus station.
My phone pinged and I stopped to read.
I am not feeling too well. I think I have come down with a fever or something- A.
Wow! He is SICK!
Have you taken any drug? -S.
Nah! My parents, my brother and wife aren't home and I don't want to disturb them. It is the workers' day off - A.
That is really bad. Should I ask him if I could come over?
Should I come over? - S.
I fiddled with my fingers anticipating his answer.
It has been five minutes since I sent that and there has been no reply.
Did I go to far? I knew it was a bad idea to ask him that?
My phone buzzed.
Gladly, I will text you my address - A.
I squealed a bit happy he didn't say no.
He texted me his address and he obviously lived in the rich part of the city.
I have got to take a taxi. I am thankful Amanda picked me up this morning or I wouldn't have any money for cab.
I boarded a cab and told him the address.
I watched as he entered the unfamiliar neighborhood. My eyes widened at how magnificent the houses around looked.
I look so out of place and I can see the driver giving me a judgmental look.
I fiddled with the necklace he gave me to stop myself from feeling sad.
He pulled up in front of a nice looking mansion with a huge gate.
I paid him the fare and stood staring at the intimidating huge gate.
"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" came a gruffly voice making me jump not expecting that.
"I am Stephanie and I am here to see Asher" I said lowly and hope he heard me.
I didn't hear anything for a while before the huge gate gave way leaving the beautiful mansion.
I stepped in slowly and was kinda scared when I saw hefty men in black standing around the house.
This place screamed nothing but money.
A huge fountain stood in front of the house with a statue figure I couldn't decipher. There were two large white designed doors with black carpet leading to it. Well manicured lawns lined the whole side of the house. I could catch a glimpse of a crystal blue lake peaking through tall trees to my left, the rays of the sun falling on it making the water twinkle.
There were so many cobblestone pathways and I can't help but wonder where they all lead to.
"I will lead you to his room" a huge grumpy man grunted out to me and started walking.
Rude! He didn't even wait for my reply.
His house is so different from other rich houses I have been to.
What do they need all this security for? Maybe cause they are filthy rich.
I stared as we walked. The large painting hung on the walls covered with the hue of most classic colors. The bright orange light from the chandeliers illuminated the lobby.
And we came into a big room. I see two long staircase leading up.
I spotted the kitchen at the side as we climbed the stairs up.
The hallway was long and looked never ending. So many rooms and I lost count at fifteen.
Finally, we stopped in front of a door. The grumpy man just pointed and started the walk back. He didn't even wait for me to thank him not like he deserves one.
I put my hand on the door knob and took a deep breath.
This is the first time I am entering a guy's room and I feel weird.
I turned and the double doors opened. I couldn't help but take it all in.
His whole room is practically the size of my whole house which made my jaw dropped.
The walls were painted in grey. A desk sits in the right corner of the room. It was littered with books, sketch papers, pencil cases and a laptop. There was a comfy sofa at the side with plush cushions.
The floors were lush with black carpet
There were two doors beside each other.
I am sure one is leading to the bathroom and the other is definitely the walk in closet.
He has got a huge glass window at the side which gives the view to the beautiful garden. Another door which leads to the balcony. I pretty surprised he didn't have posters and stickers about his basketball role model or something.
"If you are done gawking at my room, can you come over here?" his voice cackled making me finally turn to him.
I spotted him laying on the king sized bed under the covers which was blocking me from seeing his face.
The bed was made of black leathers and fluffy grey blankets draped over the mattress. Fluffy pillows leaned against the headboard.
Heat creeped onto my face because I was embarrassed. I was so awe by this room that I forgot what I came here for.
I dropped my backpack on the sofa.
I made my way over to him and stared down at him.
How can someone look good even though he is sick? His eyes were kinda swollen and his nose are really red. And he still looks handsome.
There is a box of tissues at the other side of the bed.
I settled down at the edge of the bed. "Sorry, how do you feel?" I asked.
"I feel so good" he glared with hint of sarcasm in his voice.
He grabbed a tissue from the box and sneezed into it.
How do you expect a sick person to feel?
I rolled my eyes at him and placed my hand on his forehead.
He was burning and I think he is coming down with a fever. "Have you showered today?" I asked and he shook his head.
"No wonder you stink" I teased and scrunched my nose up.
He gave me a look and I decided to be serious. "Where is the bathroom so I can run you a bath?" I asked and he pointed to the first door.
I entered the bathroom and what I first noticed was the big flat tv on the wall.
The nerves of this people! Why on earth would you watch tv in the bathroom?
That is the mentality of poor people.
The tiles was a silvery black and one wall was just a glass mirror. A long counter was against the wall and had two sinks with long silver faucets. The counter was a pearly white.
There was a glass walk in shower which was very long stretching across a wall. There were different knobs for probably temperature and buttons for water control. There were also a big jacuzzi tub pushed up at a side.
Silver racks had fluffy white towels draped over them. Next to it was a crystal cabinet that toothbrushes ,toothpastes, shampoos, lotions, and other bathroom products.
I could live here forever. The house probably cost billions of dollars. I can't start to imagine how rich the Bianchi's are.
Thank God I will start dating one of them.
Gold digger!
I am kidding, I just wanted to hear your rude remark.
The jacuzzi had different knobs. I turned one which poured out cold water and the other one was warm then hot water was next. Surprisingly the last one poured out milk which I tasted. It was creamy and all.
I finally get why there is a tv here.
I decided a lukewarm bath was best for him since that is what my mom does for him when I have a fever.
I filled the tub up and went back outside to inform him. "Go take a shower while I prepare something for you to eat"I said.
"Help me up" he said and I arched an eyebrow at him.
Is he serious right now?
"I am not going to put my entire weight on you" he said and quirked his lips upward.
"Glad that you haven't lost your sense of humor" I said sarcastically before extending a hand to him.
He grabbed it making tingles erupt from the place of contact and pulled himself up. He didn't actually need my help but I am not complaining.
He walked into the bathroom and I just stared. "Why are you still here? Do you want to join me? I don't mind" he ducked his head out and I gasped.
"Perv" I muttered making him chuckle. It was still beautiful even though his voice cackled.
I headed downstairs and towards the kitchen I saw on my way to his room.
My eyes widened as I stared at the huge kitchen. This is definitely the biggest kitchen I have ever set my eyes on.
Or the biggest house you have ever seen.
You are damn right. I am now confident that this house costs a fortune.
The kitchen was located on a raised platform and looked like the type of kitchens you see on the television.
The counters were black, white and red granite polished to perfection.
Dark brown cabinets with double doors lined the kitchen walls looking great with the dark red wall. The dishwasher was located at a corner.
The sink was located at the center of the room surrounded by forlorn stove and dish racks. There was a stainless fridge at the side. There was a black microwave and biscuit colored conventional oven at another corner.
I opened the large stainless fridge and damn it was really packed.
There is rack filled with aprons and chef hat. I grabbed an apron and wore it.
I turned on the stove after bringing out the necessary items and ingredients.
I put my hands on my hip and stared at what I managed to prepare.
Chicken soup which is actually what he needs right now to cure his fever.
I balanced the tray in my hand and made my way back upstairs.
I opened the door with one hand and headed towards him.
He looked a lot more like himself now. He was dressed in a dark grey sweatshirt and joggers. His hair was dripping wet from the shower. I settled it in the bed and he stared at it with disgust. "What the hell is this?" he grumbled.
"Chicken soup and you are going to finish everything if you wanna get better" I mumbled and he groaned.
I used the spoon to take some and push it towards his mouth.
He shook his head and I gave him a knowing look. He sighed before opening and I pushed it in.
He made a weird face after swallowing and I bit my lips to stop myself from laughing at him.
I made sure he finished the whole bowl and drank lot of water.
I headed back downstairs and washed the dishes with the dishwasher.
I scrolled through my phone to search tips to help break a fever.
I have fulfilled most of it.
I strode off to his room after reading that using a damp cloth on forehead also helps.
I grabbed a towel from the rack and drenched it in water.
I headed towards him, towel in hand.
I lost my balance and fell onto the bed or should I say on him.
We kept staring at each other and I was aware of our close proximity.
Kiss me already!
He is sick.
Doesn't matter!
He rolled us over and now he was on top. He was hovering over me so as not to crush me with his weight.
He started to lean in and I closed my eyes ready for it.
"Em" a little voice said and we separated in a nanosecond. I hit my head on the headboard making me groan out.
Asher was standing next to his desk almost leaning against it.
I turned to the speaker. "Ste" The voice squealed and I was immediately crushed into a hug. I wrapped my hands around her reciprocating the hug. "How are you doing Sydney?" I asked after pulling away. "Goed" she replied with a toothy grin. "What you doeng in Em's room?" she asked. "Where were you lyeing on top of each other?" she added before I could answer the first one. Her eyes were sparkling with curiosity.
I groaned internally not knowing what to explain to a kid that caught us about to make out.
"Em is sick" I said and she gasped.
"You are sick?" she headed towards him with a sad face. "Glad you finally notice me sunshine" he said sarcastically and ruffled her hair.
"Sorry" she said with puppy dog eyes and he kissed her cheeks.
"I am feeling better now thanks to her" he said and nodded towards me.
"Thank you" she said and I smiled at her.
"Adrianna, where have you run off to again?" a voice boomed from outside making Sydney hide behind Asher.
A beautiful woman ducked her head in and sighed. "There you are, can you stop running off like that?" she said in a tired voice and walked towards her.
"Sorry momma" she pouted and the woman smiled at her.
"Mom meet Ste" Sydney squealed and pointed at me.
The woman stared at me with a look before giving me a warm smile.
She is beautiful with her dark hair. Hazel eyes, small pointed nose, plump lips. Her skin was sun kissed and she had curves in right places.
" Delaney meet Stephanie. She is a friend of mine" Asher introduced and I felt a pang of hurt.
You aren't his girlfriend so what do you expect him to introduce you as?
"Nice to meet you. You already met this bubbly sunshine of mine" she giggled a bit squeezing Sydney's cheek.
"Mom, Em is sick" she said looking up at her mom.
"Really?" her mom said,eyes widening at the revelation.
"That is why Stephanie came here to take care of me. I am feeling better" he said and she nodded.
"Thank you" she said and I smiled.
"He is my friend so I am happy to help him out" I said and she smiled at me.
"Get some rest" she said before pulling Sydney out against her wish.
"Wow" he breathed out and headed back to the bed.
He climbed under the covers and rubbed his temples.
Realization dawned on me and I went back to the bathroom to drench the towel.
I placed it on his forehead this time.
"Try to sleep. And you will feel better when you wake up" I said.
"Are you going to be here when I wake up?" he asked and I shook my head.
"Thanks for coming here" he said and I waved it off.
I allowed him to close his eyes, heard his steady breathing before grabbing my backpack.
I kissed his cheek before heading out.
I met Delaney in kitchen on my way downstairs. "Leaving already?" she comes out wiping her hand with a napkin and I nodded. "I thought you were going to have dinner with us"she pouted.
"I have to go home now" I said.
"I will see you again right?" she asked and I shrugged.
"I will tell the driver to drop you off at home" she said and I was about to protest. "I am not taking no for an answer on this one" she said and I nodded.
Thank goodness because I wasn't actually really sure how I was going to get home.
I spent the majority of my money coming here. "Thank you" I said and she dismissed it with a wave of her hand.
She pulled me into a hug and I was stiff at first. I later relaxed into the hug and wrapped my hands around her. "He has never brought a girl home before so you must be very special to him" she mumbled and I gasped.
So where does he take his flings?
She pulled away. "Take care" she said and squeezed my hands.
She headed back to the kitchen and I headed outside.
She didn't tell me how I was going to locate the driver but I really hope it isn't one of those scary looking men.
I got out and a middle aged man approached me thankfully he didn't look like one of them. He was dressed like a chauffeur. "You must be miss Stephanie, I am ordered to take you home" he said and I nodded. "Let me go and bring the car over" he informed and followed a pathway.
I spotted Daniel and Matthew coming from the same one. They were laughing about something but stopped when their eyes landed on him. "Hey Stephanie, What are you doing here?" Daniel voiced out and I can sense that he is shocked to see me here.
Probably because of what Delaney told me about him not to have brought a girl home before. "Asher told me he was sick so I came here to check up on him" I said and they nodded in understanding.
"We also came to do the same" Daniel said.
"He is sleeping at the moment" I felt the need to state that.
"We will hang around still he wakes up. Thanks for checking up on him" Daniel said and I smiled.
"It isn't much of a big deal" I said tired of everyone thanking me and he shrugged in response.
A car honk made me turn and I saw the same man sitting in a Mercedes Benz. "That is my ride. See you guys later" I said not bothering to wait for their response before hopping into the car.
"Your address miss" the man said and I gave it to him.
I leaned against the headrest and closed my eyes.
She is a friend of mine!
His words rang in my head.
Can we actually be more than that?

That brings us to the end of this chapter. Things are moving.

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