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THE FIRST NIGHT BACK AT Hogwarts went as usual. Cassiopeia went straight up to her dormitory, closed off the curtains around her bed and tucked herself into bed, her head going straight into a Muggle book that Liv had given her last Christmas, Alice In Wonderland, ignoring her two roommates that entered the dormitory extremely loudly. 

Rose Jenkins and Myra Knowles were Cass' roommates. Both of them were Purebloods - just like the black haired witch - however, their views were very set in Pureblood ways, refusing to speak about anything Muggle related. Cass hated them both with a passion. With a wave of her wand, Cassiopeia muted their high pitched voices, her blue eyes going back onto the words in her book. By the time she finally decided to sleep it was four in the morning and the sun was slowly peeking over the hills.

Most people couldn't run on two hours of sleep, however Cassiopeia Black worked best with the less sleep she got, and as soon as her alarm clock went to half seven, she practically jumped out of bed. Noticing that both blonde bimbos were still very fast asleep; their make-up caked faces imprinting on their pillow cases. The black haired girl rushed into the bathroom, getting ready in record time and managing to exit the dormitory before Rose and Myra even woke up. 

As she walked through the empty hallways she did up her tie extremely messily, but she was too focused on it that she wasn't looking at where she was going, resulting in bumping into a figure that.

"Ah, Miss. Black,"Professor Slughorn greeted happily, "I'm glad I bumped into you. Here is your new timetable," The Head of Slytherin announced, passing her a piece of parchment from the top of the pile that he held, "See you in Potions!" He exclaimed happily before walking away from the girl, happily greeting any tired students that walked past him.

Sighing, Cassiopeia glanced down at her timetable, "Shit," She muttered as soon as her eyes spotted her first lesson. With an annoyed huff, the Slytherin shoved the parchment into her robes as she continued walking to the Great Hall. 

It was no surprise that Olivia Turner was already seated in her usual seat at the Hufflepuff table, the blonde girl was most definitely an early riser; especially when rising early meant first access to breakfast. Her pale blue eyes were glued on her own timetable as she shovelled cereal into her mouth.

Cass made her presence known by plopping herself down onto the bench right besides her best friend, earning a fair few glances from the first years; since they clearly didn't know that the Slytherin Princess sitting at the badger's table was a very normal occurrence. Cassiopeia noticed and sent them all a hard glare, causing one girl to almost start crying as they all looked away.

"It's not even eight in the morning yet and you're already scaring children," Liv commented, shaking her head with amusement.

Cass shrugged, "If I'm not gonna to do it, then who is?"

The blonde rolled her eyes playfully before she slid her timetable over to Cass, "I've got Herbology with you, and Arithmancy."

"Sounds exciting," Cassiopeia said in a monotone voice as she poured some freshly brewed coffee into an empty mug she spotted nearby. 

Liv frowned, her eyes scanned her best friend's face, "Who shat in your cereal?"

Cass sighed, reaching into her robes she pulled out the timetable, "Got Potions with Gryffindors first."


"So, Sirius will be there," The black haired girl sighed, letting her fingers dance on the rim of the mug.

"What's going on between you two?" Olivia questioned, turning her full body round to look at Cass.

The black haired girl shrugged. She refused to make eye contact with the Hufflepuff so that she couldn't see the pain in her eyes. Liv was always good at reading people, and as handy as that was when meeting someone new, it annoyed Cassiopeia since it meant she couldn't get away with hiding her emotions, "I don't know, Liv," She finally sighed, "But I do know that I don't want to see him."

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