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REMUS LUPIN WAS DEFINITELY A worrier. There was no question about it. He was worried the first time his friends found out about his lycanthropy. He was worried when the same group of friends went round to his home for the very first time. He was worried about asking Cassiopeia out and as much as he was a troublemaker, he was always worried about the consequences; the polar opposite to his friends.

So, when Cass arrived almost thirty minutes late to their Potions lesson looking completely dishevelled, Remus definitely became worried; especially since he hadn't seen her or Regulus anywhere in the Great Hall for breakfast that morning. The rims around her eyes were as red as cherries. Her short hair was framed messily around her face as she kept trying to pat it down. Her tie was normally crooked however that morning it wasn't even tied around her neck. Her white button down shirt was sticking out from under her jumper.

Fumbling with her opened bag, the Slytherin apologised to Professor Slughorn as she rushed over to the seat besides James (her partner for the year). As the black haired girl sat down, Remus glanced over his shoulder towards the back of the room, his eyes instantly landed on Sirius as he tiredly glanced up from whatever it was he was doing. He clearly didn't notice Cass' late arrival and was completely oblivious as to why Remus was staring at him, so with a sigh, the werewolf turned back around, his eyes never leaving the back of Cassiopeia's head, a bad feeling settling in his stomach. One that he simply couldn't ignore.

Remus was quick to noticed James nudging the girl, a teasing grin on his face, one that disappeared almost as quick as it appeared. When she didn't reply and instead began fidgeting nervously, James pushed his glasses further up his nose before looking over his shoulder. As soon as he noticed Remus' dark eyes directed towards him he simply shrugged.

With a sigh, Remus tried to listen to Slughorn as the man droned on and on about some potion the Gryffindor boy didn't even catch the name of.

Cassiopeia was trying her best to listen but everything seemed to be going in one ear then out the next one. She couldn't keep her mind focused on the lesson, all she knew was that she needed to talk to her older brother as soon as possible. So, when the class was finally dismissed, the Slytherin didn't even bother putting her stuff in her bag, instead she piled it all on her arms and sprinted out of the room, stopping and waiting by the door. 

A few students glanced her way as they walked past, taking note of her dishevelled looks but not saying anything as they walked off towards their next lesson. Cass began shoving her books back into her bag when she heard a familiar voice getting closer. Looking up, her eyes landed on the four Marauders. Rushing over, she grabbed hold of Sirius' arm and dragged him away, leaving the other three boys standing there with puzzled expressions.

"Woah, Cass, ease up a bit, you're gonna rip my arm off," Sirius chuckled as the girl pulled him over towards a quieter corner of the hall, away from any prying ears, "Cass? Cass? What's going on?"

As soon as they stopped walking, Cassiopeia turned towards her older brother, a panicked expression painted across her face, "They've got him. They've got him and there's nothing we can do about it. What do-do we do?"

Sirius looked befuddled, "Who? Who's they? Who do they have?"

Cassiopeia's eyes were wide with emotions as she ran her hands through her hair, tugging at the knots, "They've got him," She chanted, "They've got him and I'm next. I'm next!"

The older boy pressed his hands down onto her shoulder, stopping her nervous pacing and turning her to look at him. That's when he noticed how pale and how fragile she looked, "Cass, what is going on? You're not making any sense."

He watched as her eyes filled with tears.

"They recruited him, Siri," She said, her voice barely above a whisper, if Sirius wasn't paying close enough attention he would've missed everything she said, "He's..He's got it."

Sirius shook his head with confusion.

"The mark," The Slytherin breathed out, gulping as soon as the words left her mouth, "And I'm next. I'm next, Siri. I don't want to be next," The tears finally escaped her eyes, falling like waterfalls down her already tear-stained cheeks.

Sirius felt his heart breaking at the news. He felt his heart breaking for his sister as she wept in front of him. He felt it breaking for his brother. Without a second thought, he wrapped his arms around the girl's small frame, bringing her into his chest as she began shaking, "They're not going to get you," He told her, mumbling the words into her hair, "I won't let them, Cass."

Turning his head slightly, Sirius pressed his cheek onto the top of his sister's head, his eyes lifting slightly to look further down the hallway where Remus, James and Peter were still stuck in their spots, their eyes filled with worry as they watched the scene unfold without any context.

"I don't want to be next," Cassiopeia's words were muffled by Sirius' robes. The tears didn't seem to be slowing down, "I don't want to be next," She repeated herself as her fists clenched around Sirius' school jumper, afraid to let go or pull away. 

Even though the siblings had their differences, Cassiopeia felt safe in his arms. 

"You're not going to be," Sirius told her once again, his voice breaking as tears suddenly escaped his eyes, falling onto Cass' messy black locks, "You're not going back there, Cass. This isn't up for debates anymore okay?" He pulled away slightly to look down at his sister, his chest tightening at how broken she looked, "Okay?"

"Wh-Where will I go?" She questioned, her lip quivering as she spoke.

Sirius let his head turn slightly to the side, his eyes falling back onto his three friends. Cassiopeia was quick to follow his line of sight, "I-I can't invade their space like that," She suddenly said, puling herself away from her older brother, "It-It's not fa-fair on them. An-And what about Reggie?"

Sirius turned back to look at the Slytherin, "They've already got him, Cass," He told her sadly.

"He's our brother, Sirius, we can't just leave him for the dogs!"

"We don't have any choice right now, Cass," Sirius explained, "My priority is to keep you safe now."

"But my priority is to keep Reggie safe," Cassiopeia sniffled, "And-And I failed. I can't just leave him now."

The older Black sighed whilst rubbing his face tiredly, "Cass, please," He pleaded her, pulling his hands from his face, "Please don't be so stubborn right now and let me help you. Remus said he asked you to go to his, didn't he?" She nodded cautiously, "There you go. Please."

With a shaky breath, Cassiopeia glanced over to the trio of boys, all of them sent her comforting smiles whilst Remus mouthed 'I love you'. Looking back at Sirius, the black haired girl sighed, her shoulders suddenly felt as if a giant weight was lifted from them as she finally nodded and spoke again, "Fine. 

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