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"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR brother doing over there?" Liv questioned, looking up from her work and nodding behind Cass.

The two girls were in the library, trying to finish the rest of their homework in time for the next Hogsmeade visit. 

The black haired girl glanced over her shoulder, sighing when she spotted Sirius suddenly ducking behind a row of books, "He's absolutely insane," She muttered to herself before glancing back over to the blonde, "He knows."

Liv looked puzzled, "He knows?"

Cassiopeia nodded, her eyes widening slightly, "He knows."

Realisation flashed through Liv's eyes, "Oh. He knows."

Cass gave her a tight-lipped smile and nodded. She took one more glance at her brother before sighing again, "I'll be right back," She told her best friend. Liv nodded and kept her eyes moving from Sirius to Cassiopeia; she definitely wasn't going to go back to doing her boring homework when the free entertainment was right in front of her.

The black haired girl leaned against the bookcase Sirius was ducking behind. Her piercingly blue eyes glued to her brother as she awaited for him to tell her exactly why he was following her now. 

"Oh, Cass, I didn't see you there," Sirius chuckled nervously as he stood up straight, "You come here often?"

"More often than you do," She replied, crossing her arms over her chest, her green and silver tie scrunching itself up, "Are you lost?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Because I've never seen you coming into the library," Cassiopeia told him, an amused grin appearing on her face, "Truthfully, I didn't even think you knew where it was."

"I mean, I did get lost on the way..." Sirius muttered, snatching the back of his neck, "But I'm not lost," He quickly added, "Moony asked me to grab him a book," The black haired boy said in a rushed voice as he grabbed the first book he could find.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure Remus loves Potions for Beginners," Cassiopeia smirked, "Great read that one. Especially for fifth years." 

"Yeah," Sirius nodded, "It's his favourite book."

Cassiopeia couldn't help the amused look that appeared on her face as she heard Sirius trying to justify himself. The black haired boy suddenly cleared his throat, grabbing her attention yet again, "What are you doing this Hogsmeade visit?" He questioned, twirling the book in his hand.

"Going with Liv to to the Three Broomsticks," Cassiopeia replied, "Why?" 

"Well, why don't you both join us?" Sirius suggested, shrugging casually.

"Sure," Cass shrugged, "We'll meet you at the Broomsticks?"

"Or near the carriages?" Sirius suggested, tilting his head as the finest smirk appeared on his lips.

Cass shrugged yet again, "Sure. Now stop following me," She ordered, pointing at him before walking back off to her and Liv's table.

Sirius didn't reply as he watched his sister walk away from him, a satisfied smirk on his face. The black haired boy pushed the book back onto the bookshelf as he practically swaggered out of the library. 

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