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REMUS SEARCHED EACH COMPARTMENT OF the train for Cassiopeia, disguising the search as part of his Prefect duties. But, by the time he reached the last compartment and couldn't spot the black haired girl anywhere, his shoulders deflated. 

As he began to walk back down the train, his head hanging low, someone suddenly rushed towards him, grabbing his shoulders and causing him to halt. Looking up, his dark eyes spotted the familiar redhead, she was slightly out of breath but looked relived to have seen him.

"S-She's in the ba-bathroom," Lily told him as she tried to control her breathing. She wasn't one for physical activities; it was obvious in that moment. As soon as she regained her breath, Lily grabbed Remus' arm, pulling him in a different direction, "Won't come out of there. Come on, I'll stand outside to make sure no one sees you in there."

Remus brain was on an overload, he couldn't help but smile at the redhead, a look of genuine appreciation appearing on his scarred face, "Thank you, Lily. I mean it."

"No need to thank me," The redhead told him genuinely, "She's my friend and I hate to see her like this," Lily added as they reached the outside doors of the toilets. Remus noticed that Olivia and Marlene were both standing there, their arms folded as they practically barricaded the door from everyone else.

"There you are," Marlene breathed out when she noticed the two.

"Here we are," Lily nodded, "Is she still in there?"

Both Liv and Marlene nodded simultaneously, "Yeah," The Hufflepuff said, "She's refusing to come out."

Lily dropped her grip from Remus' arm and pushed the Gryffindor boy towards the girl's toilets. He looked a little hesitant for a second before remembering exactly why he needed to go in there. Liv pushed the door open for him, closing it the second he walked through the threshold.

"Cass?" His soft voice called out, "Cass?"

"Y-You can't be in h-here," Was the first thing Cassiopeia said, he could clearly hear how hoarse her voice was.

With a sad look on his face, Remus walked over to the stall he heard her voice from. Leaning his back against the door, the sandy-brown haired boy slid down to sit on the floor, his head leaning against the door, "I know I can't. But I had to come see if you were okay."

"I'm fine," Cass sniffled.

"Clearly you're not," Remus said with an emotional tone in his voice, "Cass, I'm here for you. Please, just talk to me."

There was a moment of silence before he suddenly heard the locks on the stall door unlocking. Quickly, he jumped to his feet and was met with Cassiopeia's figure. She had her head down, her black locks that seemed to have grown incredibly fast covering most of her skin. He noticed she was already wearing most of her Slytherin uniform; her tie sticking out of her skirt pocket. 

"Come here, love," Remus' voice was barely above a whisper, but due to the quietness of the toilets Cassiopeia heard it clearly.

Without saying anything, the black haired girl rushed into Remus' opened arms. He was quick to locked them around her, squeezing her close to his chest as he felt her stiff arms wrap around his torso.

"It was so embarrassing," She said, her words were slightly muffled by Remus' body, "Like, I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life before. An-and I can't just invade your life like that, Remus. I just can't."

"It's not invading, Cass," Remus told her sincerely, "My mum wouldn't have offered if you were simply invading. She wants you there. I want you there. I can't bare to see you get hurt again by...by those people," He said, his voice filled with venom at the last words, "You deserve so much better. You deserve a family that loves you. I love you, Cassiopeia Black and I know very well that both of my parents love you too. So, please..."

Cassiopeia finally lifted her head off Remus' chest. She had always been called a burden by her so-called parents, so hearing that not one but three people love her - from a completely different family - was a strange feeling, yet it was a feeling she yearned for. It was all she ever wanted; a happy, loving family. And now, it was finally her turn to get it. 

Looking up, her piercing blue eyes were swarmed with unshed tears, but neither of the pair cared. She felt Remus dark eyes practically staring into her soul as she finally nodded, "Okay. I'll stay with you guys, but the first sign of your parents being annoyed with me and I'm out. Deal?"

Remus rolled his eyes playfully. He knew how much his parents loved the black haired girl and so he had no problem with agreeing to her terms, "Deal."

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