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CHRISTMAS MORNING AT THE LUPIN household was truly magical. Hope Lupin absolutely adored the holiday and always decorated the house - from top to bottom - in anything green or red that reminded her of the holiday. Lyall wasn't as excited about the holiday, however, the smile it brought to his wife's face was definitely worth all the effort that went into it. He would even enchant some of the Christmas tree decorations to move and even made snow fall around it, snow that disappeared just before it reached the floor leaving no wet patch anywhere in sight.

Cassiopeia truly felt like she was walking into a Christmas wonderland. She had never seen so much colour in a home, and certainly never felt so much love or warmth in one either. Lyall had picked up the two teenagers from the train station and as soon as the three of them walked through the front door, Hope was already standing there, the widest grin spread across her face and a large plate full of freshly made gingerbread. Slapping her husband's hand away from them when he tried to reach for one, she rushed to the black haired girl's side, smothering her in more love than Cassiopeia had ever gotten her entire life.

So, sitting around in the living room on Christmas Day morning with the Lupin family was the best thing Cass had experienced. She had forgotten about all of the times that she woke up in a cold bed on the holiday morning, no greeting from either of her parents. A shitty meal - one that certainly wasn't cooked all the way throughout - that Kreacher cooked up for the three siblings as they sat around the large dining room in silence, not even exchanging eye contact let alone words.

Once all of the presents were unwrapped and the homemade cookies ate, Hope and Lyall prepared the dining room table whilst Cassiopeia and Remus sat together in the living room. Wide grins were etched upon their faces as they were cuddled up on the sofa. Remus' arm was wrapped around Cass' shoulder, bringing the girl closer to him.

"It's not much but--"

"Not much?" Cassiopeia lifted her head off of his shoulder, her eyes wide, "Remus this is incredible," She told him, gesturing around the room, the smile still very present on her face; even her eyes were sparkling more than usual, "I spent last Christmas in my dorm at Hogwarts," She reminded him, "And the ones before that were just shit. They weren't anything like this. This is magical."

Remus grinned at his girlfriend, watching as her eyes wandered around the room in awe. He had never felt happier. It seemed that his mood only lifted when the girl in front of him was happy, and he certainty didn't mind, "I'm glad you like it, love."

Cassiopeia let her eyes fall back onto Remus, her eyes scanning each scar and each freckle that was scattered across his face, "I love it," She told him, "And I'm loving the whole new 'love' thing you've got going on."

Remus felt his cheeks heating up as he glanced down at his hands, twirling his long fingers around Cass'. The black haired girl lifted his chin, letting his eyes fall onto her, "I love you," She told him, her voice full of sincerity and her eyes full of pure love.

Remus pressed his hand on her cheek, his thumb stroking her cheekbone, "I love you too."

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