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CASSIOPEIA DID WHAT MOLLY TOLD her to, well, not everything. She hadn't found a midwife just yet but she did buy ten pregnancy tests just to be sure and when all of them came out as positive, she did the first thing she thought to do; apparate into Sirius' flat. 

She paced back and forth in the living room, waiting for her older brother to get back as her thoughts raced like never before. The oldest Black sibling was out on a mission for the Order, however, what slipped Cass' mind was the fact that he wasn't alone on the mission and he didn't return back home alone either.




The couple turned to look at Sirius as he smiled sheepishly.

"What are you doing here?" Remus asked, looking at his fiancé with a skeptic look on his face. For the last few weeks, the black haired woman had been irritated about almost everything. The 'sickness' really wasn't sitting well with her and Remus couldn't help but worry, "Did you go to the doctors?"

Cassiopeia smiled sheepishly, "Erm, not yet..."

"Cass, you told me you were going to go today."

"I had other plans," She cursed at herself as soon as the words left her lips.

"What other plans?"

Cass' eyes widened, "Erm...They're not important right now."

"What's been going on?" Remus questioned, looking at her with worry-filled eyes.

"Nothing. Nothing," She shrugged, refusing to let her eyes meet his.

"It's clearly not nothing."

"Stop fighting, it's not good for the baby!" Sirius exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air and catching the couple's attention.

"Sirius!" Cassiopeia scolded, her eyes wide as she started at her older brother with disbelief, "How the fuck did you find out?"

Now it was time for both males to turn back to the only female in the room. Their eyes almost bulging from their skulls, "W-What?" Remus questioned, looking between the siblings. He was sure he would've lost his balance if he wasn't standing near the kitchen table.

"What?" Sirius screeched, "I was talking about me!" He exclaimed, pointing to himself, "I'm the baby!"

Cassiopeia groaned, her hands flying up to her face as she tried to hide from view. She could feel both males looking directly at her, waiting for an explanation.

"You're pregnant?" Remus' voice was soft.

Cassiopeia looked between her fingers, her eyes were filing with unshed tears as she tried to read Remus' expression. He looked torn; as if he wanted to be happy but something was stopping him, "No?"


"Urgh, fine," The black haired woman groaned. She took her hands off her face but refused to look at either of the males. Remus kept his eyes on her, nerves bubbling in his stomach whilst Sirius stood there awkwardly and trying not to draw any attention to him, "I'm pregnant. Oh, and I also owe Lily 10 galleons."

AN- Because I have no self-control, I just published a Cedric Diggory story if anyone's interested

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