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OVER A WEEK LATER, MOST of Cassiopeia's external wounds had healed. Although, it seemed that they simply manifested into internal ones and the boys were very quick to pick up on that. Anytime either of them - well, apart from Remus or Regulus - raised their hand in a fast manner, the black haired girl seemed to flinch away, before pretending that nothing happened.

It pained Sirius to see his sisters so terrified, and he would do anything and everything to make her feel as comfortable as possible when she was hanging out with the four Gryffindors. He didn't even butt into what had happened during the summer, knowing well that when she was ready, then she would tell them, hopefully. 

Cass also went back to hanging out with Olivia very quickly, the blonde Hufflepuff didn't even mention the injuries she noticed, knowing very well how quickly the Slytherin could hide herself away from the world. Instead, like any good friend, she was simply there for her. 

What was surprisingly for a lot of people, though, was the fact that the Slytherin and Hufflepuff best friends seemed to enter a new group of friends. When Cassiopeia wasn't spotted with the Marauders, she and Liv were spotted with Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon and Alice Fortescue. It was yet another friendship no one ever would've guessed that it would work (just like people weren't expecting a Slytherin and Hufflepuff to become practically attached to the hip), but that's what made it even more special.

Just before their lessons on a Thursday morning, Cassiopeia Black casually strolled into the Great Hall, already decked in her uniform - her usually messy tie still incredibly messy - as she headed straight for the Gryffindor table. 

Peter Pettigrew spotted her first, he sent her a small wave as she smiled at him back. The other three boys quickly picked up on the interaction and all turned towards Cass, wide grins appearing on their faces; especially on Remus'. However, what confused the four boys, was the fact that she didn't sit down besides either of them, instead, she pressed a quick kiss on Remus' cheek as she continued walking, all the boys following her with their eyes, looking puzzled.

When she walked past Lily, Marlene and Alice she gave them a quick wave whilst still not stopping.

"What is she doing?" James was the first Marauders to ask the question they were all thinking out loud.

Yet, none of the boys had the answer until they spotted her sitting down in front of Fabian and Gideon Prewett. The two ginger haired twins in the year above them. Identical twins that nobody, apart from Cass herself, could tell apart.

"Hello, boys."

"Look, Fabian, it's our favourite Slytherin," Gideon grinned.

"What can we do for you, little star?" Fabian asked, mirroring his twins wide smile.

"Well, I'm very glad you asked," Cassiopeia said with a smirk on her lips, "You remember that time I helped you sneak into the Slytherin common room, right?"

The twins nodded simultaneously, "Of course," Fabian said.

"How could we ever forget?" 

"After all, we are forever grateful, little star."

Cassiopeia grinned, "Well, how about those sweets you guys were working on?" She asked, resulting in the twins sharing a wide grin with one another.

"What do you need?" Fabian asked, reaching into his robes before pulling out a large bag of what Cass assumed were sweets, "Something to turn someone blue?"

"Give someone a nosebleed?" 

"Make them puke?"

"Cover them in boils?"

"Turn their hair pink?"

"Make hair grow literally all over their body?"

"Cover them in feathers?"

Cassiopeia's eyes widened, "Blimey, you guys have really thought up of everything."

The twins smirked, "Of course we have," They chorused.

"It's better than N.E.W.T.s," Gideon added.

"Well, I think I'll take the hair growth ones," The Slytherin said after a moment of thought, "Ooh, maybe a blue one too."

Fabian reached into the bag, his shoulder length ginger hair flopped over his face as he took each wrapped sweet out, placing it into his hand. Much to Cass' surprise, he took out more than two before passing them over to her. As they fell into her palm she glanced up at them, "It's the least we can do, little star," Fabian grinned as he shoved the rest of the sweets back into his pocket.

Gideon nodded, a wide smile spread across his lips, "Exactly. And don't forget, you'll be on the VIP list in our shop."

Cassiopeia sent them a genuine smile, her eyes sparkling with life as she looked between the twins, "You guys are the best," She told them, causing both twin to puff out their chest, "And I'll definitely pop round once you're up and running. See you later, boys."

With a quick goodbye, the black haired girl shoved the sweets into her robes as she walked over to the Marauders; who were all looking confused at her, "Come on boys, let's get class."

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