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CASSIOPEIA WOKE UP WITH A pained groan. Her head felt like someone was bashing it with a hammer. Her eyes closed almost as quick as they opened. The reality of waking up was finally creeping up on the Slytherin, quite slowly. That's when she finally noticed the smell coming from the pillow, it wasn't the usual smell of her floral perfume mixed with her coconut shampoo, instead, it smelt like Remus.

Her eyes instantly opened wide, another pained groan left her lips as she pressed her hand against her forehead, trying to soothe it even a tiny bit. Cass finally took the chance to look around the room, instantly realising that she was in the Marauders' dormitory. However, all of them apart from two was missing. 

Peter was tucked away in his own bed, his mouth agape and one of his legs sticking out. His chest was moving up and down rhythmically. 

Remus was sitting on James' bed, his eyes were glued to a muggle book. His back was pressed up against the headboard, his knees up to his chest. From the looks of it, Cass knew he was probably the only responsible one the night before and she envied him for it.

The werewolf must've felt eyes on him because he suddenly glanced up, his dark eyes instantly meeting bloodshot blue ones. Cass sent him a soft smile as he placed a bookmark into the book, before closing it and standing up, "How you feeling?" He asked, taking a few steps closer to his bed.

"Like I've been hit by a truck," Cass chuckled, "I'm sorry for taking up your bed."

Remus shook his head as he placed his muggle book onto his bedside table, where there was also a glass of water on; one that he placed there earlier, just in case Cass woke up when he wasn't in the room. He took the glass and passed it to the Slytherin, their fingers brushing against one another's, "Don't be silly. You needed it more than I did."

"Thanks," Cass muttered before taking a sip of the water. The feeling of the cold liquid running down her dry throat instantly woke her up and before she knew it she had downed the entire thing, placing the empty glass back onto the bedside table.

Silence filled the room as Cass got lost in her thoughts. She remembered practically everything she said and did last night and suddenly embarrassment washed over her, "I'm sorry for throwing up when you leaned in to kiss me."

Remus chuckled nervously as he sat down at the foot of his bed, "I'm not surprised you did that, you drank quite a bit."

Cassiopeia bit her lip as she nodded, her eyes looked down at her hands, a fluttering feeling in her stomach caused her not to look at the sandy-brown haired boy, "I...I meant what I said..." She finally looked back up at him, noticing his puzzled expression, "...Last night."

Remus felt his body heating up. His cheeks were a deep rose colour as his breath hitched in his throat, "So did I."

Cassiopeia would be lying if she said that his statement didn't make her ecstatic. Her heart hammered loudly in her chest as a wide grin suddenly appeared on her face. One that was quickly mirrored by Remus. The Slytherin slowly moved closer towards the foot of the bed, her palms getting sweaty.

Remus could feel nerves spiking in his body. He couldn't think straight as the black haired girl got closer.

"I probably look like a mess, don't I?" Cassiopeia broke the tension. 

Remus shook his head. He didn't care about the eyeliner and mascara that was smudged under her eyes, it didn't take away from her beauty, "No. You still look beautiful."

"You always know what to say, don't you?" The Slytherin breathed out, her eyes suddenly looked right at his lips as his breath hitched in his throat once again. As soon as her eyes looked back into his, Remus had already closed the gap between the two of them, cupping her cheek in his hand as their lips finally connected.

It took them a moment before they got into the right rhythm, but once they did it was magical. Cassiopeia moved even closer, practically sitting in Remus' lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Remus let his hand cup the back of her neck, keeping her close to him as their lips refused to detach for longer than a couple of seconds.

Cassiopeia hadn't kissed many people in her life, but even so, this was definitely the best kiss she had ever experienced. Her whole body felt on fire and all she could think about was Remus and the way his hands felt on her body.

"Holy shit," He breathed out when their lips detached for a moment.

"A real leg raising kiss," Cassiopeia muttered, her lips brushing against his as she spoke.

A confused expression suddenly emerged on Remus' face, "What?" He questioned with low chuckle.

Cass shook her head, "Don't worry about it," She told him, running her fingers through his sandy-brown hair, "I've spend too much time watching romantic movies with Liv."

Remus grinned at her and before either one of them could say anything else, their lips reconnected, this time much more skilfully. Cassiopeia suddenly moved her body, plopping herself down onto Remus' lap as his hands travelled down to her waist, holding her tightly; scared that if he let go all of this would've just been his imagination. 

Cass' lips detached from his and reattached themselves onto his jawline. When she heard Remus' inhale she felt herself smirking as she continued to pepper kisses down his jawline before reaching his neck. Just as Remus was about to guide her back to his lips, two loud voices were suddenly heard outside the dormitory.

Without thinking, Cassiopeia pushed herself from Remus, resulting in practically throwing herself down onto the floor at the very moment James and Sirius entered the room, their laughter stopping before intensifying when they noticed the black haired girl lying there on the floor.

"Looks like Cass is finally up," James stated, grinning at the blushing girl on the ground.

"Why are you so red, though?" Sirius suddenly questioned, looking down at his sister.

Cass' eyes widened as she took a quick glance at Remus; he was looking down at his lap, his cheeks the brightest red she had ever noticed and she could only imagine how bright her own cheeks were, "Maybe because I fell?" She said, trying to give the most reasonable excuse, "Okay, I've got to go now. Bye!" She yelled, jumping to her feet and practically sprinting out of the boy's dormitory, leaving her heels behind as well as two confused boys and one red faced werewolf.

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