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"CAN YOU TELL YOUR GIRLFRIEND to stop gawking at me, Moony."

Remus, Sirius and Peter all turned their attention to the Slytherin girl that was sat in their dormitory. Her piercing blue eyes were focused purely on James as a wide grin stayed tattooed on her face.

"What are you doing for the next Hogsmeade visit, James?" Cassiopeia questioned, still keeping her eyes focused purely on the spectacled boy.

James' eyes widened, "Cass, your boyfriend is behind you," James told her, "And as pretty as you are, I'm not going to date you."

The black haired girl rolled her eyes. She turned to grab one of Remus' spare pillows and lobbed it right at James, hitting him square in the face, "I don't want to date you, you toerag! But, maybe you should ask Lily to go with you."

James completely ignored the fact that the pillow hit him, causing his glasses to almost topple off of his face as he turned to look at the Slytherin with the widest eyes she had ever seen, "W-What? Why-Why would you suggest that? You've never suggested it."

Cass could feel all of the Marauders watching her carefully as she shrugged, "Just thought you would've liked the idea."

"I do!" James exclaimed before clearing his throat, "I do, but she won't go with me," He added, his shoulders deflating slightly.

Cassiopeia bit her lip. She glanced over her shoulder momentarily, noticing Remus' dark eyes practically glued to her, watching her with an interested expression on his face. She glanced around and spotted both Sirius and Peter looking at her too, Peter with a completely puzzled expression and Sirius with an intrigued one. 

Jumping off of Remus' bed, the Slytherin girl walked over to James, trying to rack her brain on how to tell James that it was possible that Lily might like him without actually telling him. James watched her confused as she hopped onto the end of his bed, fiddling with her fingers; a habit she picked up whenever she was nervous to say something.

"Maybe she would, though," Cassiopeia finally spoke up again, her voice soft, "I mean, you never know if you don't try right? Plus, I thought you were practically in love with her."

"Trust me I am," James said, frowning, "But it...it hurts, you know? Constantly being shot down."

Cassiopeia bit her lip as she thought for a moment before a wide grin suddenly appeared on her lips as a lightbulb went off in her head, "How about you come with me and the girls to Hogsmeade?" The black haired girl suggested, ignoring the boys behind them that shared confused expressions. Realising how weird that must've sounded she quickly turned around, looking between Remus, Sirius and Peter, "You three can come too," She said whilst shaking her head.

The trio glanced at one another, clearly none of them picking up on Cass' signals.

"What do you say?" The black haired girl asked, turning back to look at James with a hopeful glint in her eyes.

James looked over her shoulder at his best friends who all shrugged at him, "Yeah, sure," The spectacled boy finally nodded, his hazel eyes falling upon the only female in the room. 

Cass' grin widened, "Perfect," She clasped her hands together as she jumped off of his bed, "We'll meet by the carriages, yeah?" 

James nodded.

"Great. Remus, think you can walk me to my common room?" The Slytherin suddenly questioned, glancing at her boyfriend who instantly placed the book that was propped open on his lap onto his bed, "Of course," He told her, grabbing a sweater and throwing it over his head as they both walked out. 

As soon as they were out of the Gryffindor common room, Remus turned to the black haired girl, "What was all that about?" He questioned as their fingers found each other, interwinding tightly.

Cassiopeia glanced around the corridors, she noted a few groups of students walking through them but most of them seemed to be more interested in their own conversations to even notice the couple walking past. With one of the widest grins Remus had ever seen she turned to look at him, "Well, let's just say that instead of revising I'm playing cupid," She grinned, "Oh, and we're definitely not going with them to Hogsmeade, you'll need to distract Sirius and Peter whilst I make sure Lily goes to 'meet us'..." She said in air quotes, "And I think you know where I'm going with the rest."

Remus grinned, "So I see you're doing what James did for us."

Cass nodded, her piercing blue eyes were glued on her boyfriend as they came to a stop at the side of one of the corridors. Her eyes were sparkling with life, something Remus loved about her. She was so full of life when she was at Hogwarts (or anywhere that wasn't at Grimmauld Place). It caused his heart to flutter as his fingertips danced across her knuckles, "I just want to be the Godmother to their kids."

AN- Rewatched Harry Potter recently and kind of feel inspired to make a Golden Trio Era Remus story, potentially with Scarlett Johansson as the OC, would anyone read that?

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