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THE GROUP OF GIRLS WERE all sitting down by the Black Lake. The first month back at Hogwarts seemed to fly by and their homework was piling up, well, apart from Lily's since the redhead did almost all of hers as soon as she received them; knowing if she left them alone she would get too busy with the Head Girl duties to start the work let alone finish it. It was definitely a smart move by the redhead, one that Cassiopeia wished she did too, but she didn't, so now she was stuck with piles upon piles of work she needed to start.

"So, how has it been being a Head Girl with the James Potter?" Marlene questioned, a teasing smile on her face as she looked at the blushing redhead.

Lily shrugged, refusing to make eye contact with any of the girls, "Surprisingly, it's not that bad."

"Who are you and what have you done to Lily Evans?" Alice asked, dramatically pressing the back of her hand to Lily's forehead. 

The redhead Gryffindor squatted Alice's hand away, as she fiddled with her skirt nervously. Cassiopeia felt herself smirking as she closed her homework and shoved it into her bag, knowing very well Lily didn't see her doing so. She then reached for Buddy, placing the furry cat onto her lap as he purred happily. It seemed that the cat had taken a real liking to Hagrid as the groundkeeper let him wander around the school grounds with him, it was now strange seeing the dark creature without the half-giant but Cassiopeia was glad that her furry friend found her again. 

"So, tell us all about it," Marlene said, leaning forward and placing her chin on her hands.

"Tell you about what?" Lily questioned, pushing a strand of bright red hair behind her ear.

"About what goes on with you two when you're strolling the corridors late at night," Cassiopeia spoke up, tilting her head slightly as she grinned.

Lily let out a groan, pushing her face into her hands, "You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you," She said, her voice slightly muffled.

Alice, Cassiopeia, Marlene and Olivia all shared interested looks before all four of the girls leaned in closer, getting ready to hear something juicy. 

"I...I think I-I think I like him."

The four girls looked almost identical at that very moment; all of their jaws were dropped to the ground as their eyes bored into Lily. 

"Are you going to say anything?" Lily asked after several minutes of pure silence.

"As in..James?" Liv asked, tilting her head.

Lily bit her lip but nodded, "Yeah. Any of you got any secrets?"

"Hold up," Cass held her hand up, "You can't just drop that kind of bombshell on us then pretend you didn't say what you just said."

"Exactly!" Marlene exclaimed before smiling sheepishly, "Except, I also have a secret."

"Yeah, me too," Alice nodded, biting her lip as she tried to keep her smile from emerging.

Both Cassiopeia and Lily let their eyes fall onto the two girls, puzzled yet interested looks on their faces, "Well...Go on," Lily encouraged.

"Frank and I are officially dating," Alice confessed, a widest grin appearing on her face as the girls let out excited squeals.

"That's amazing!" Lily exclaimed, throwing her arms around her friend.

"What about you Marlene?" Alice asked as the group settled down slightly, however the smiles were still plastered on their faces.

Marlene shuffled nervously, clearing her throat, "Erm..Well.. Liv and I...We're dating."


"Since when!?"

"Why didn't you say?"

The two blondes grinned at one another, their hands intertwining, "For a few months now," Liv explained, "We just...We wanted to keep it a secret for a little bit, you guys aren't mad, right?"

"Of course not!" Cassiopeia exclaimed, grinning at her best friend of almost seven years, "Liv I'm so happy for you!" She said in an excited voice, throwing her arms around the blonde which caused Buddy to let out a growl as he jumped away from the embrace.

"So are we!" Alice added, bringing Marlene into a hug, one that Lily quickly joined and before they knew it the girls were all rolling on the grass in a happy pile, laughter slipping from their lips.

"You do realise what this means, right?" Cassiopeia questioned after they all calmed down and were now lying on their backs, enjoying the warm sunshine during their free period. Her arms were tucked behind her head as she glanced to the side.

"What?" Olivia questioned, turning her head to make eye contact with the Slytherin.

Cassiopeia grinned mischievously, "It means Lily is the only singleton in our group. And you guys all know what that means."

Lily groaned, "Cass!"

Marlene suddenly sat up, pumping her fist into the air, "Operation 'Turn Lily Evans into Lily Potter' starts now!"

AN- I may have accidentally published a James Potter book. It's called Cinnamon if anyone wants to check it out 💖

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