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"I THOUGHT THE WHOLE POINT of a study date was to study..." Cassiopeia said looking up from her many textbooks that were sprawled out across the table she shared with Remus, "Not me studying and you watching me."

Remus grinned at her, his cheeks suddenly turning a light shade of pink, "Can't help it, love. How can I concentrate with you sitting opposite me?"

Cassiopeia felt her stomach doing somersaults as her heart fluttered. No matter how many times Remus would flatter her, she still seemed to get flustered by it, "Well, if you get on with it and finish your work, then maybe we can move this study date somewhere else," The Slytherin grinned flirtatiously, feeling proud when she spotted how red Remus' cheeks had now become. 

"Ew, that's disgusting," The sound of Sirius' voice caused the couple to look away from each other, turning their heads to the side in annoyance as they watched Sirius and Peter walking over to them.

"What are you doing in the library?" Remus asked, clearing his throat as he hoped his flustered cheeks would go back to normal.

"Looking for you two, but I really didn't want to hear any of that," The black haired boy muttered, looking between the pair in disgust, "That's my little sister, you filthy animal."

"What do you need us for?" Cassiopeia questioned, moving the attention from their flirty comments. She placed her quill down and folded her arms in front of her, looking between Sirius and Peter.

"You two want to go down to the Lake?" Sirius asked in an excited voice, "The ice seems to be getting thinner so I'm sure Peter will fall into it today."

"Shouldn't you two be studying for your N.E.W.T.s?" Remus pondered, glancing between the pair.

Sirius groaned in annoyance, "No, there's a war coming, what am I going to need N.E.W.T.s for?" He asked as he flopped down on his sister's lap causing her to groan in discomfort as she pushed him off. 

"Maybe you can outsmart You-Know-Who," Cass teased as she closed her book and began to pack away causing Sirius to look like an excited puppy, "You're coming to the Lake!" He exclaimed, pointing his finger at his sister with a wide grin.

Cassiopeia rolled her eyes, "No, Remus and I are going to go study somewhere else," She said, taking a glance at her fiancé and sending him a quick wink.

"Ew, what the hell Cass?" Sirius groaned in disgust.

"Not like that!"


CASSIOPEIA LAID BESIDES REMUS IN the Shrieking Shack on the ripped mattress. Their clothes were sprawled out across the floor, the only thing covering them was a thin blanket. A fireplace opposite the mattress kept the usually chilly room nice and warm. The Slytherin kept her head on Remus' scarred chest, his heart beating fast as his breathing almost lulled her to sleep. 

His arm was wound around her shoulders, keeping her as close to him as possible as her hand traced the scars on his chest.

"What's on your mind?" His raspy voice asked, breaking her from her daydream.

Cassiopeia sighed, keeping her eyes focused on her fingers she spoke into his chest, "What's going to happen after Hogwarts? Like are we all going to grow up and move away from one another or are we just going to die in the hands of You-Know-Who?"

Remus frowned, letting his eyes fall onto the top of Cass' head, "Don't think like that, Cass, we're all going to be okay," He told her as he began to draw mindless patterns on her exposed shoulder, knowing very well that that sort of thing relaxed her. Instinctively, he felt her shoulders loose some of their tension as he kept his fingers on them, "What do you think, will James and Lily get married before or after us?" He asked with a soft chuckle, trying to move the conversation onto a happier one. 

Cassiopeia laughed into his chest, "Knowing James, definitely before us," She grinned when she felt Remus' chest rumble with laughter, her hand moved away from his chest over his torso, hugging him closer to her naked body. 

"It's all going to be okay," Remus repeated, mumbling the words into her hair.

"Yeah, of course it will," Cassiopeia nodded before looking up at her fiancé, sending him a small smile, "Reggie wants to join us," She confessed, "Dumbledore's a bit apprehensive though."

"What's going to happen if he does join?" Remus questioned, looking slightly worried, "Is You-Know-Who going to...?"

"Try to kill him?" Cassiopeia frowned, "Potentially."

"You know none of us are going to let that happen, right?"

Cass let her eyes meet Remus' gaze, her heart fluttering, "I know, thank you," She told him as she grabbed his hand from her chest before pressing a soft kiss to his scarred knuckles, "Okay, no more worrying, we need to make this last year the best year of our lives here at Hogwarts, you with me?"

Remus couldn't help the wide grin that spread across his face, "I'm always with you."

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