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THE FIFTH YEAR AT HOGWARTS seemed to fly by after a certain Slytherin girl and Gryffindor boy got into a relationship. That's right, relationship. After the full moon, Remus took the black haired girl out to Hogsmeade and once again they had the best time ever, coming back with flushed cheeks and fluttering hearts.

The both of them were also spending a lot of time together. Usually trying to revise for their upcoming O.W.L.s but most of the time it would end up with them going to the Marauder's dorm room, Astronomy Tower or by the Black Lake. However, it was one Friday afternoon when Olivia Turner practically kidnapped Cassiopeia and made her sit in the library, both girls surrounded by piles of books and parchment. 

The Slytherin rubbed her face before pushing her hair back, her eyes closing. She felt like she was on a information overload. O.W.L.s were almost around the corner and even with revising most days (when she wasn't helping the Marauders with their pranks or hanging out with Regulus or Remus) she still didn't feel prepared at all. 

"There you are," Sirius Black's voice suddenly tearing Cass from almost having a melt down. Opening her eyes she watched as the Marauders strolled into the library, Remus shushed the loud grey eyed boy as he simply puffed his chest out, not caring about the glares he received from Madam Pince and other students who were revising.

"What are you doing cooped up in here?" James questioned, plopping down onto the free seat besides the Slytherin, "It's nice and warm outside."

Cassiopeia looked over at Liv, her eyes practically pleading the girl to leave but the blonde shook her head, pointing her finger at James she scolded him, "Stop that! You're a bad influence on her, we need to revise and so do you guys."

"Oh lighten up, Livvy," Sirius said, going to sit besides the Hufflepuff, his arm wrapping itself around her tense shoulders, "You two also need a break. How about, a nice day besides the Black Lake?"

"I can't so that, Siri," Cass shook her head. All she wanted to do was get the hell out of the stuffy library, however, she knew these grades would be far too important for her to just flunk it, especially with the parents that she had.

"Oh come on, it's just school work," Sirius dismissed it.

"Of course you're going to say that," Cassiopeia grumbled, "Our parents aren't going to be looking at your report card, are they?"

Remus frowned when he noticed the worried look on his girlfriend's face. Walking over to her, he placed his hand on her tensed shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly before leaning down and placing a soft kiss on the top of her head, causing her entire to suddenly warm up. 

Sirius frowned, "But you look so stressed, Cass, come on, do this and I promise you, I will leave you alone until our O.W.L.s are over."

Glancing up, Cassiopeia began to think. Her piercing blue eyes landed on her best friend and much to the Slytherin's surprise, Olivia was shrugging, a convinced look on her face. With a sigh, the black haired girl looked up, directing her sight over at Remus who smiled softy at her, "It's all up to you, my love."

She could've sworn her heart missed a beat when he called her 'my love' but she didn't let that show. With a soft smile on her face she turned back to face her brother, "Fine. But just this once, okay?"

Sirius broke out into a wide grin, he fist bumped the air and let out a cheer which in return got hit kicked out of the library instantly; something he really didn't care about, especially as he watched the two girls packing their stuff away before all of them exited the quiet room, their legs taking them over to the Black Lake.

Cassiopeia didn't even know how much she needed that until she was pushing Sirius into the lake, laughing her head off as the boy shook his head like a wet dog. The water droplets falling onto each of the teenagers. Before she knew it, James suddenly grabbed her from behind, throwing her into the lake. However, before she left his arms, Case wrapped her arm tightly around James, he lost his footing and went flying into the water just after the black haired girl.

Laughter filled the air as Cassiopeia and James resurfaced. Remus kept his eyes on his girlfriend. A wide grin appearing on his face when he spotted one on her face. She looked so carefree and genuinely happy; a rare sight for the middle child of Walburga and Orion Black, however, an incredible sight for a certain werewolf. 

A laugh slipped his lips when he saw Peter suddenly falling out of the tree he was trying to climb, landing right into the lake and splashing everyone around him, even a few droplets managed to find their way over to Remus and Olivia; who were sat underneath the large tree.

The laughter suddenly died down when James' hazel eyes suddenly spotted a Slytherin boy walking past. His head was down in a book as he tried to scurry off but before he could, James was already hot on his heels, teasing him mercilessly.

"James, just leave him alone," Remus spoke up, rolling his eyes at his best friend.

James glanced back at his friends, a large smirk appearing on his lips, "You know what, I don't think I will," He said and with that, he pulled his wand from his wet robes, pointing it straight at Severus Snape, "Levicorpus."

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