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CHRISTMAS BREAK WAS OVER QUICKER than Remus had expected. However, this year it felt like a good thing. As much as he loved his parents and loved spending his breaks with them, he couldn't help but feel excited about finally seeing a certain Slytherin girl with the bluest eyes he had ever seen. 

His stare was blank as he looked outside the window, however a permanent smile seemed to be etched upon his face. One that all three of his best friends noticed almost immediately.

"What you thinking about, Moony?" Sirius questioned, a teasing smile on his face as he stared at the scarred face boy. The pair of them were sat opposite each other; with James besides Sirius and Peter next to Remus, and so the grey eyed boy had the best view of Remus' loved up expression.

Remus was quick to snap out of his daydream, his cheeks flushing a deep rose colour, "N-Nothing," He quickly said, "Just thinking about a really good book I read over the Christmas break," Remus added, his voice rushed.

It was obviously clear that none of the boys believed him, their teasing smiles showed that.

"Really?" James asked, tilting his head and crossing his arms over his chest, "Was this book, by any chance, more humane than most?"

"With a green and silver hardback cover?" Sirius added. As protective as he was over his only sister, he definitely couldn't deny the sparks that flew around Cassiopeia and Remus whenever they were together. It was as if they were soulmates, made from the very same star. 

"They meant Cass, by the way," Peter spoke up as he shovelled a handful of sweets into his mouth.

Remus' cheeks reddened even more as his heart fluttered, "I know what they meant," His eyes widened at the fact that he practically gave himself away, "I mean--"

"So when are you going to ask her out?" James cut him off.


"Oh come off it, Moony," Sirius groaned, "We know you fancy my sister."

"I fancied her and you didn't let me date her," Peter suddenly piped up, his eyes wide as he stared at the grey eyed boy.

"'Cause she didn't fancy you back," Sirius replied in an obvious tone. His eyes suddenly widened as he realised what he just let slip.

"She fancies me?" Remus questioned, a look of pure shock spread across his face. He couldn't deny the fact that his heart sped up, his hands becoming sweaty as a strange nervous feeling settled in his stomach. The thought of Cassiopeia Black - the hottest girl in their year - having a crush on him, a lanky boy with scars littered all across his body was out of reach for him.

Sirius rubbed his face, cursing at himself for letting his sister's secret out. However, he would've thought that Remus had known already, the fact that boy of them were just so close to one another, the way they looked at each other, it was obvious for those around them, "Listen..." He placed his hands on his knees and leaned forwards, keeping his eyes glued to Remus, "You can't tell her I told you, okay? But yes, she does."

"How would you know?"

James scoffed, "Everyone knows," He stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "You can't say that you don't see the way she looks at you?"

Remus just stared at his friends with a blank expression. He really didn't see it, because how could someone so perfect love someone so scarred?

"Even I've seen it," Peter suddenly said, looking at Remus with an amused expression.

"If what you're saying is right, it's probably just a stupid crush," Remus dismissed, refusing to look at the other boys.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "This is Cass we're talking about. She doesn't get stupid crushes, and you know that, Moony."

Remus didn't say anything. He kept his eyes looking out onto the snowy fields that they went passed. He knew Cassiopeia like the back of his hand, and he had never heard her talking about having a crush on anyone. She had only ever had one boyfriend. Back in their second year, the young girl said yes to a young Slytherin that seemed to be head over heels in love with her. Cass, on the other hand, didn't even know the kid and merely said yes to get him off her case. The 'relationship' merely lasted a week, the worst week at Hogwarts according to the black haired girl.

"You know I'm right, don't you," Sirius stated, he noticed the look in Remus' eyes and instantly knew the scarred boy was thinking deeply about it all, "I'm just telling you Moony, you better get a move on, before it's too late, just imagine mini Cass and Remus' running around."


All three boys turned to face the werewolf, confused expressions on their faces.

"You don't want to have kids with her?" James questioned whilst Sirius stare suddenly became dark.

"I--I- It's not that," Remus sighed, feeling uncomfortable under all their stares; especially Sirius', "I'm a werewolf."

"We know," Peter said, sharing a puzzled expression with James and Sirius.

"Do werewolves have to stay virgins until they die?" James asked, his voice had an underlay of amusement.

Remus' cheeks darkened, "N-No, it's just...I'm a werewolf. She isn't--"

"No, no, no," Sirius suddenly cut him off, shaking his head furiously, "Don't give me that excuse again. You're a werewolf once a month, Moony. Once a month. The rest you're a human, and even though you find reading fun, Cass likes you, a lot. So, just take my advice and ask her to Hogsmeade. Let yourself be happy. Let both of you be happy."

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