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SITTING IN THE ASTRONOMY TOWER, Cassiopeia Black looked out onto the setting sun. Her head was resting against the cold railing, her legs practically dangling over the edge. She had discarded her green and silver tie in her bag. Her empty hand had only just discarded the cigarette butt into her ashtray when the sound of the heavy door opening reached her ears.

The black haired girl didn't even bother to turn around, instead she let her eyes stayed glued to the orange and pink sky in front of her, silently wishing that the intruder would spot her and leave and when she heard the door closing she thought that exactly that had happened. However, the sound of footsteps coming closer told her otherwise.

She let her piercing blue eyes finally glance to the side, instantly spotting a certain sandy-brown haired Gryffindor boy standing there 

"May I sit?" Remus asked, pointing to the space besides her.

Cass didn't reply but nodded. As Remus sat down besides her; letting his legs dangle over the edge just like hers, Cass went back looking at the sky. The sun was still peeking over the hill ever so slightly.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Cassiopeia shrugged.

"I could've stopped him," Remus sighed, "I could've made him get in contact with you during the summer."

Cass finally let her eyes fall onto Remus. She watched him carefully as he looked at the setting sun, his lips in a deep frown, "He's suppose to be your best friend, Remmy," The black haired girl stated, causing Remus to look at her in surprise. He certainly wasn't expecting her to use that nickname, "You're not suppose to be babysitting him. It should be him apologising."

Remus didn't reply as her words settled in his mind. A comfortable silence filled the Astronomy Tower as both of the fifth year students watched the sun as it finally hid itself behind the hills, the orangey-pink sky turning a darker shade.

Cassiopeia bit her lip, "How have you been?" She questioned softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Remus was surprised by the question. Truthfully he had been expecting her to just stand up and leave, however this was definitely a better option, "Good, good. You?"

"Fine," Cassiopeia lied straight through her teeth.

Remus frowned almost instantly. He had known the girl for almost five years and could read her like the back of his hand, "You sure?"

Cass refused to make eye contact with him, "Yep," She nodded, her eyes watched her fingers as they fiddled with one another on her lap.

"You know you can always talk to me, right?"

The black haired girl finally looked up. Her piercing blue eyes watched Remus intently, trying to see whether he was being genuine or not, and he was; something that made Cass feel all warm inside. Remus had always been there for her, for the good and the bad and that made her feel incredibly guilty for not being there for him during the summer, especially during the Full Moons.

Remus instantly noticed the sadness that flooded her eyes. He could always see it when it appeared; as much as Cassiopeia masked her true feelings, Remus could always see right through her act, especially when he looked right into her eyes, "What's wrong?" He asked, a look of concern washed over him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," Cass told him sincerely, "During the summer. I hope it wasn't too hard for you."

"It wasn't your fault, Cass," Remus told her sincerely, he placed his hand on her knee, squeezing it comfortingly, an action that caused yet another warm feeling to surge through Cassiopeia's body, "You know I don't like you being there anyway."

"Yeah, well, next month you can't stop me from being there and don't worry, I'll bring some chocolate."

Remus couldn't help the smile that graced his features as he looked at the black haired girl, "You can bring chocolate only if you come the day after."

Cassiopeia sighed dramatically, "Fine," She sighed, "You've got yourself a deal, Lupin."

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