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CASSIOPEIA'S BODY FELT LIKE IT was on fire - in a good way - as Remus' hands gripped her waist, his fingertips igniting a fire deep inside her as their lips moved skilfully together. Their eyes were shut and a low moan escaped the werewolf's lips when Cass ran her fingers through his hair, tugging at the ends ever so slightly. 

As soon as the couple left their friends and found themselves up in the boy's dormitory in the Gryffindor Tower, their hands and lips never left one another. Everything managed to slip their minds as they focused purely on each other. The worry of the upcoming war, their N.E.W.T.s, the new tasks that Dumbledore briefly told them about. All of that went straight out the window as soon as their lips locked. Nothing could come in between them in that moment, well, nothing apart from the disgusted yells that left their friend's mouths as they entered the dormitory.

"That's my sister!" Sirius exclaimed, he picked up the closest thing he could find; which was Peter's shoe and lobbed it towards Remus' bed causing the couple to pull away before ducking.

"Chill out, Siri!" Cass called out, looking shocked at the shoe that almost whacked the pair in their heads.

"Wasn't it you that said you wanted to be the Godfather to our children?" Remus pointed out, his flustered cheeks deepening when Sirius sent him a death stare.

"He did but then I beat him to it, remember?" James piped up, holding his arm up in the air whilst pointing at himself with his free hand, "So, I get to be the Godfather," He suddenly looked puzzled as his eyes landed on the black haired girl who was very clearly watching him with the biggest smirk he had ever seen, "What?" He finally questioned, making the rest of the boys turn to face the only female in the room.

"Nothing," Cassiopeia shrugged nonchalantly as she jumped off of Remus' bed. She grabbed the small bouquet of daisies that she left on Remus' bed side table earlier that day, "Here," Cass said, handing the bouquet to a surprised James.


Cassiopeia rolled her eyes, "There not actually for you," She said, sending him a playful wink, "Take them with you to your Head Boy duties...okay?" James simply stared at her blankly, "Do you get what I'm saying?" She asked, titling her head slightly.

"How much Firewhiskey have you drank?" James chuckled nervously, glancing down at the shorter girl.

"Oh, Jamesy," Cassiopeia chuckled, patting his cheek, "I can't drink. That's not good for the baby."

"What!?" All four of the Marauders exclaimed. Each of them looking utterly startled at the new revelation.

Cassiopeia glanced around each boy, biting her lip to stop the laughter from escaping. James had his jaw dropped to the floor, the daisies almost slipping out of his fingers. Peter was half-way through eating a chocolate bar and now the said bar was on the floor, his body stiff as he looked wide-eyed between Cass and Remus. Sirius looked like a mixture of anger and complete shock. His finger was pointed up as his head moved side to side, looking between the couple with his mouth wide open. Remus looked the most shocked, however, at first he did a double take when he heard his girlfriend's words but now he was just staring at her, unmoving and completely confused. 

"Jeez, I'm just kidding guys," Cassiopeia finally said, waving her hand at them dismissively, hearing the sighs of relief that escaped the boys, all apart from one, "Okay, maybe I drank a bit too much."

"Wait, when did you drink?" A confused Remus questioned, he didn't remember seeing the girl drinking anything apart from water when he ran into her.

"Earlier, with the girls," Cassiopeia shrugged.

"You've been drinking a bit too much lately, Cass," Sirius commented, walking over to his sister and James, his face contorting with worry, "You okay?"

"Me? I'm great," Cassiopeia grinned, "I'm okey-dokey," She suddenly glanced down at her wristwatch; one she received from Sirius, "I better go, told Reggie I'd play Quidditch with him."

"You can't drink and fly," Sirius stated.

"That's not a real rule," Cass waved her hand dismissively, "I'll see you boys tomorrow. Keep those flowers, will you James? Then maybe give it to a certain other flower, if you catch my drift now," She added with an over exaggerated wink before rushing towards the door, "Bye, I love you!"

"Love you too."

Cassiopeia stopped before she could leave, turning around, "I was talking to Remus," She said, staring a James with a strange expression.

"Yeah, well, so was I," James shrugged nonchalantly.

Cassiopeia looked puzzled for a moment before she heard Remus speaking up, "I love you, Cass."

With a wave, the Slytherin finally exited the room. As soon as her footsteps had gone from earshot, all three boys turned their heads towards Remus, leaving him with a perplexed look.

"So, did you ask her yet?" James questioned, an excited smile on his face.

"What?" Remus asked outraged, "Of course I haven't. Why in Merlin's name would I ask her in our dormitory?"

"Well, where are you going to do it then?" Peter questioned.

Remus laid back down onto the top of his covers, "I don't know yet," He confessed, reaching under his pillow for the small velvet box. 

"Well, you better do it soon," James stated as he jumped onto his own bed.

Remus lifted his head to take a look at the spectacled boy, "What? Why?" He asked nervously.

"Because I can't deal with this secret anymore! I'm going to crack!"

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