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"HOW ON EARTH AM I suppose to focus on my studies when there's a bloody war happening?" Cassiopeia groaned, pushing her fingers through her hair. Their end of year exams were already looming over them, however, so was a war in the world they would go into after their seventh year of Hogwarts.

"By reading that book, perhaps," Lily Evans replied nonchalantly, pointing to the book that was still closed in front of the Slytherin.

Marlene and Liv snickered as Alice stayed quiet, her eyes had been super glued to her Transfiguration book since the group of girls entered the library.

"How much revision have you done, Cass?" Olivia questioned, a teasing smile on her face. The blonde Hufflepuff knew exactly how much revision the Slytherin did; and that was absolutely none. Instead, Cassiopeia had been spending time with the Marauders, the girls or Regulus, and out of all of them, the only people that actually wanted to revise were Remus, Lily and Alice meaning that no revision ever happened.

That was until Lily and Alice ganged up on Cass, Liv and Marlene, dragging the three to the library for almost a full week straight. It got to the point where Cassiopeia would hide out in the Marauder's dormitory, however, a loved up James revealed the secret when a certain redhead Gryffindor asked him if he's seen Cass anywhere. 

"Probably more than you, Liv," The black haired girl said, mirroring Liv's teasing look before looking down at the unopened bottle of ink that sat besides her closed Arithmancy book, "I could've been having fun right now if it wasn't for that damned Potter," She muttered under her breath.

"Oh, come off it, Cass, he's not that bad."

That statement even caused Alice to finally stop reading, the four girls all looked towards the redhead, their eyes and mouths open wide with shock. Lily was casually writing notes down from her Divination class when she looked up, as soon as her green eyes spotted her best friends watching her with a confused expression she realised exactly what she had just let slip out.

"What on Earth did you just say, Lily?" Marlene questioned, acting as if she didn't hear her right with a teasing smile on her face.

Her cheeks suddenly became the shade of her hair, "Erm--I meant---I didn't--I--I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh yeah?" Cassiopeia raised her eyebrow, leaning back in her chair as she folded her arms, "How exactly did you mean it then, Red?"

Lily's eyes nervously darted across each of her friend's faces before they fell onto her school work, her hand fiddling with the feather part of her quill, "I--I--Well--I need to go to the bathroom!" She said in a rushed voice. Before any of the other girls could say anything, Lily had already shot out of her seat and practically sprinted out of the library, getting scolded by the librarian when she ran past her desk.

Alice, Marlene, Cass and Liv all burst out into laughter, their expressions genuinely happy.

"Well, it looks like our little Lily is developing a crush," Cassiopeia commented, her eyes sparkling with life as she took a glance over at the door.

Marlene leaned forward, catching all of their attention as her eyes looked between each girl, "Looks like we've got to play Cupid next year, girls."

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