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CASSIOPEIA GOT HER WISH, SLYTHERIN absolutely dominated Gryffindor during their Quidditch match. Sure, the Slytherin Beaters weren't always the most...ethical with their techniques, but nobody got seriously hurt plus Sirius - who was one of the Gryffindor Beaters - was a Black, therefore, he could play dirty if he really wanted to and towards the end of the game, he was certainly starting to. 

However, the lions' luck didn't work well for them as Regulus Black caught the Snitch almost effortlessly. Which, for almost two weeks, caused James to be extremely bitter. The boy loved Quidditch almost as much as he loved Lily Evans and whenever Gryffindor lost a match, everyone knew to steer clear of the spectacled boy. 

However, his spirits went up a lot quicker than usual and that was probably due to the fact that the game with Ravenclaw was looming over them, and for the last few years, Gryffindor has beat Ravenclaw in almost all of their games together and James assured his team that this year would be no different.

Cassiopeia kept Sirius' Gryffindor scarf wrapped tightly around her neck as she stood sandwiched between Remus and Lily. Peter was standing on the other side of the werewolf with Alice besides him. Marlene and Liv were behind them, their hands clasped tightly as they cheered loudly for the lions.

After an hour into the game, it looked like Gryffindor was taking the lead which caused a very cocky James Potter to fly by the Gryffindor stands, blowing a kiss to a certain redhead that Cassiopeia could've sworn she saw blushing; something James must've seen as well as a confident smile suddenly appeared on his face as he flew back to the middle of the pitch. 

Cassiopeia - along with everyone else in the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff stands - suddenly cheered when James threw the Quaffle through the ring, pumping his arms in the air before he flew past Sirius and high-fived the Beater.

"Charles King has caught the Snitch!" The commentator exclaimed, his voice booming over the loud cheering of the crowds, "Gryffindor wins!"

The Gryffindor stands were in a complete uproar, flags and scarfs were flying in the air as people jumped, cheered and hugged their friends and fellow housemates. Cassiopeia had just finished hugging the redhead besides her before she was engulfed into Remus' chest, his arms holding her tightly as she wrapped hers around his torso, pushing her grinning face into his hard chest.

"Come on, let's go down there," Marlene suggested, shouting over the cheers.

The loved up couple pulled away from their hug, Remus kept his arm wrapped around the Slytherin as they pushed through the crowd to reach the pitch where the Gryffindor team were hugging and jumping around, all of them with wide grins spread across their sweaty faces.

As soon as James and Sirius spotted their friends rushing over, the two split off from the rest of the team. Cassiopeia was the first one to reach them, wrapping her arms around her brother as she congratulated him before suddenly retracting from the hug, "Ew, you're all sweaty and gross and not to mention you stink," She said, pushing him away.

"You stink too," Sirius said trying to wrap his sweaty arms around the girl again but before he could she had already ran behind Remus, glaring at her brother. 

"All right children, calm down," The werewolf teased, looking amused at the siblings.

Before either of them could say anything and before Marlene, Liv and Peter could reach them they all froze in their spots, their eyes almost bulging out of their skulls, their mouths dropped to the ground. To their right was James Potter. But what was strange about that was the fact that his lips were now locked with Lily's, his hands on her rosy cheeks as hers rested on his elbows.

Cass rubbed her eyes, not believing what she was seeing. When she reopened them again the two were finally pulling away, their breathing shallow and their cheeks a matching red colour. Glancing to the side, Cassiopeia looked at her boyfriend, her entire body frozen in shock "What just happened?"

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