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"I know, Cass, I'm so sorry," Olivia said, sending the black haired girl a sheepish smile, "I forgot that something came up."

Cass raised an eyebrow and titled her head as she observed her best friend, "What came up?" She interrogated, noticing the look of worry flash through Liv's baby blue eyes.

"Erm, I for--forgot that I was suppose to meet up with...with..with Alice!" Liv exclaimed before quickly quietening down when she noticed the suspicious look on Cassiopeia's face, "Yeah, we got paired up in Herbology and need to finish a project. Okay, have fun. Bye!"

"Wait--" Cass said but Olivia had already ran off, her long blonde locks bouncing on her shoulders as she rounded a corner. With a sigh, the black haired girl turned around and began to walk towards the door; seeing as she didn't want to keep the boys waiting. 

However, a look of confusion washed over her face when she didn't spot four boys standing nearby a carriage, instead there was just one. As soon as he spotted her, his lips widened in a grin as he sent her a wave, that's when realisation ran through her veins. 

Cassiopeia didn't even realise that she stopped walking until Remus took a few steps towards her, he scratched the back of his neck, "Hi," He smiled sheepishly.

"Hi," The black haired girl replied, she couldn't help herself as a small smile etched itself up on her face, "You here alone?" She practically kicked herself for being so awkward around him.

Remus nodded, his sandy-brown hair flopping on his forehead, Cass felt a sudden urge to push some of his hair out of his eyes before she shook her head, feeling her cheeks suddenly heating up, "Yeah, the guys came with me but jumped on a different carriage and just left," He explained, looking confused as to why that had happened.

"Shit," Cassiopeia muttered. She vowed to kill Sirius as soon as she saw him next. 

"What?" Remus asked, looking puzzled.

Cass' piercing blue eyes suddenly widened, "Oh, nothing," She quickly dismissed it, "You can go ahead and catch up to them."

Remus' eyes moved from his shoes to the short black haired girl in front of him a fair few times, "I can stay with you, while you wait for Olivia, if you want?"

"Yeah...Liv bailed on me," She chuckled nervously.

"Well, we better get going then, I'm pretty sure this is the last carriage," Remus stated, not letting his eyes lock on the girl.

"Oh, you don't have to come with me," Cass told him, she cursed herself when she felt her cheeks heating up, "I'm not going to force you--"

"You're not forcing me," Remus was quick to cut her off.

Cassiopeia stopped talking and simply stared at the sandy-brown haired boy in front of her. Her mouth slightly agape as her eyes observed him. From his messy hair that flopped on top of his forehead, to the scars littered across his youthful face. The messy collar of his worn-out sweater and his fingers that wove through the loose threads coming from his sleeves.

"That is, if you want to go with me," Remus added, his voice finally drew Cass from her daydream. 

She heard the nervousness in his words and part of her wondered why he was so anxious around her, but she pushed all thoughts to the back of her mind and simply smiled. Her smile instantly caused a ripple effect on Remus, his face mirroring her happiness which in return warmed Cass' heart, "Of course I'd love to go with you."

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