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CASSIOPEIA BLACK NEVER THOUGHT SHE would see the day where Lily Evans was hanging out with the Marauders willingly. She certainly never expected to see the redhead leaning against James' chest as they sat under the tree near the Black Lake, on a blanket that kept them from the cold snow, his arms wrapped around her as the back of her head rested against his shoulder, her bright green eyes closing and re-opening tiredly as a happy smile stayed firmly on her face.

The Marauders - plus Lily and Cass - were down by the Lake. Even though the snow covered the grounds, none of them cared. Wide grins were spread across their faces as they fooled around on the frozen lake whilst. The Black siblings were doing everything they could to push each other down, their laughter travelling through the school grounds and enveloping everyone in happiness. 

Remus was watching them with a worried expression as he stood just on the outskirts of the Lake, right in front of the happy couple. He seemed to get more nervous when Peter suddenly started bouncing on the ice, trying to see if he could break it. 

"Come on, Prongs!" Sirius suddenly shouted from his position on the ice, "Get over here and help me with this one," He gestured to his sister as she stood above him, a satisfied smirk on her face as she watched her brother trying to get up but failing miserably.

"Get Moony to help!" James called out, his arms tightening around his girlfriend.

"You know he's not going to!"

"Yeah, that's true," Remus confirmed, nodding his head at the spectacled boy behind him.

"What's with those nicknames?" Lily suddenly asked, her eyes closed so she didn't notice the look all the Marauders and the Slytherin shared, "I mean, I can figure out Remus' but I don't get your ones," She suddenly opened her eyes and was met with shocked expressions and a nervous one from Remus.

"W-What do-do you mean?" Remus questioned, looking back at the frozen lake and seeing the trio on there standing extremely still, their eyes locked on the redhead.

Much to James' disappointment, Lily pushed his arms off of her and stood up, she smoothed out her coat as she took a step closer to the werewolf, her face looking at him with understanding, "You're a werewolf, aren't you."

"What? No!"

Lily placed her hand on Remus' arm, she looked at him comfortingly, "I figured it out, Remus. The prefect duties you missed every month. The tiredness, the scars. It all makes sense."

Cassiopeia kept her eyes on her boyfriend as she watched him flinch away, "You don't want to be friends anymore, do you?" He asked, refusing to meet Lily's gaze. 

The black haired girl frowned and began to carefully move on the ice towards the werewolf as the rest of the Marauders stayed as quiet as mice, their eyes inspecting the scene unfolding in front of them. 

"What? Why would you even say that," Lily said, looking at him in disbelief, "I don't care if you're a werewolf. I wouldn't care if you were a bloody dragon. You're still my friend and you always will be."

Cassiopeia slowed her steps, keeping her feet firmly on the ice to keep her balance. She couldn't help the wide grin that spread across her face when Lily stood up on her tip toes to wrap her arms around Remus' shoulders. He looked taken aback, but when everything registered in his mind, he wrapped his long arms around the redhead, smiling over her shoulder at his fiancé.

Cass glanced back at her brother, both of them grinning at each other when they heard a loud grunt from behind them and quickly turned around. The black haired girl let out a chuckle as she watched Lily and Remus trying to stay upright whilst James jumped right on them, throwing his arms around them both in a group hug. 

With a knowing look on their faces, Sirius, Cass and Peter quickly rushed off the ice - almost breaking their legs due to their speed - and without a second thought the trio engulfed their friends in a tight embrace, knocking them all down to into the snow as laughter left their lips.

It was times like these that made them all feel safe. Made them forget about the responsibilities of the adult life that was looming over them and just let them be giddy teenagers for that little bit longer.

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