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CASSIOPEIA LOVED TO SIT BY the Black Lake alone. As much as she loved Liv and Regulus, she loved being alone a hell of a lot more. It was peaceful. A peaceful she never got at home so whenever she did get it, she definitely treasured it. Cass loved the feeling of the grass tickling her bare legs as she laid them out in front of her, her back leaning against the bark of a tall tree. Her Slytherin tie was wrapped loosely around her neck, making it more comfortable to breathe.

A half-burnt cigarette rested in-between her plump limps as her eyes scanned the pages of her Alice In Wonderland book. The black haired girl was so engrossed in it, she didn't even hear the trio of boys behind her until one of them cleared his throat loudly.

Looking over her shoulder, Cass spotted The Marauders - apart from Sirius - standing there, all of them looking nervously at her, well, apart from Peter who seemed to be in a daydream as he bounced on his feet.

"Cassie!" James exclaimed excitedly, plopping himself down besides the girl.

"Jamesy," Cassiopeia said in a monotone voice, she didn't even look up at him and simply kept her piercing blue eyes on the words of her book.

"I told you not to call me that."

"And i told you not to call me Cassie yet here we are," Cass replied.

A long silence suddenly filled the air, one that definitely felt tense. With a sigh, the black haired girl slammed her book shut and put out her cigarette on the back of the tree, throwing it away into the small magic ashtray she kept on herself. One that she bewitched herself to self-clean as soon as the ash or cigarette butt fell into it.

Her piercing blue eyes watched the three boys carefully, she really couldn't figure out what they wanted from her, especially since neither of them spoke to her since the end of the year, well, apart from Remus who sent her his usual weekly letters, "What do you want?" She finally questioned, folding her arms across her chest.

"What makes you think we want something?" James intrigued, raising his eyebrow.

"You haven't spoken to me in weeks, James," Cassiopeia replied, her tone made all three of the boys frown, "So, I'll ask you again, what do you want?"

"We miss you, Cass," Remus was the first one to speak up.

Piercing blue eyes glanced over towards him, a frown was etched upon the girl's face however when she heard Remus utter those words out, the slightest smile suddenly appeared on her lips, one that seemed to be gone quicker than it came.

"We really do," James added, nodding. Peter also nodded his head frantically.

"If that's true then why didn't you write to me?"


"That's what I thought," The black haired girl muttered sadly to herself. She grabbed her shoulder bag and unzipped it, throwing her book and ashtray inside. 

Before she could stand up and practically run away from the trio, James placed his hand over hers, "Sirius told us you were busy."

Cassiopeia huffed, "That's strange because Remus still wrote to me," She spat. Her face turned completely emotionless, however a wave of sadness swam through her blue eyes, something Remus instantly noticed.

James and Peter both turned to look at their scarred faced friend, their eyes wide with surprise as Remus sheepishly grinned before looking down at his worn out shoes. 

"Exactly," Cass muttered, she threw her bag over her shoulder and began walking off when James stopped her again

"We're sorry, Cass. We really are," He told her sincerely. The black haired girl looked into his eyes, he looked completely serious. A serious Cass had never seen him look.

"It's fine," The blue eyed girl shrugged, "I'm used to it."

"What happened?" Peter suddenly asked, earning two hard glares from Remus and James.


"Between you and Sirius," Peter clarified.

"Peter!" Remus hissed, causing the shorter boy to sheepishly look down, his shoulders deflating.

"I don't know, Peter," Cassiopeia answered, her voice was eerily calm, "You'd have to ask him."

"We already tried--"

"Peter!" James hissed, hitting the boy's arm.

Cassiopeia swallowed hard. Her eyes watched each of the boys carefully, lingering slightly longer on the tallest. She opened her mouth to speak when shouting not too far from them caught her attention, "Shit," She muttered. Her hold on her bag tightened as she ran towards the fight, the trio of boys following her close behind.

She pushed through the small crowd that formed around the two brothers, "Sirius!" She yelled, gaining his attention briefly.

As soon as his grey eyes spotted her he let out a scoff, "Fuck off Cassiopeia."

Anger surged through her veins, instead of leaving she grabbed her wand from her bag before pushing herself in front of the two boys, "Stop," She hissed, her wand pointed straight at her older brother whilst Regulus stood behind her, clutching his bleeding cheek. 

"Move, Cassiopeia."


"This isn't your battle to fight," He told her, sending her a pointed look.

"It shouldn't be yours either," Cass sneered, "What the fuck is your problem, Sirus? Huh?"

"I said move, Cassiopeia," He spat, her name felt like venom as it rolled off his tongue.

"And I said no," The black haired girl yelled, taking a step forwards, her piercing blue eyes were swimming with emotions as she glared at her older brother.

"Why are you adamant on protecting him? Eh?" Sirius challenged.

Cass looked at Sirius' eyes, watching how dark they turned, "He's our brother."

Sirius scoffed, "He's not my brother," He sneered, pointing over at Regulus, "And you..." He turned his attention back to his sister, "You're not my sister."

Cassiopeia felt like someone had just stabbed her right in her heart. Her breathing hitched in her throat as tears suddenly pooled in her eyes. She noticed the regret written across Sirius' face but she didn't care. He had hurt her beyond belief and she was glad he felt the sudden regret. 

"Sirius, that's enough!" James Potter suddenly yelled, running up to the grey eyed boy. He grabbed his arm tightly as he sent Cass an apologetic look, however the girl wasn't looking at him, she was trying her best not to break down in front of everyone. 

"Cass..." Sirius breathed out, his voice was the complete opposite to what it was merely a few minutes ago. 

He reached his hand out which caused Cassiopeia to come back to reality, she moved away from him as if he was on fire just before he could touch her. Shaking her head, the black haired girl looked at Sirius with the saddest expression he had ever seen on her face, "Fuck you, Sirius."

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