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REMUS LUPIN HAD NEVER FELT happier. He didn't think that anything could top Cassiopeia saying yes to his proposal, but he was pleasantly surprised. His eyes were transfixed on the back of the doctors as they cleaned their baby before the sound of Cassiopeia crying caught his attention. 

Glancing down at her, he watched as she kept her hand out, as if she was trying to reach for the baby all across the room, her face looking panicked.

"It's okay," Remus told her, soothingly touching her arm, "They just need to clean her up."

"They won't hurt her?" She asked, looking up at him with the saddest puppy eyes he had ever seen.

He shook his head, "They won't. I promise."

Cassiopeia nodded, using the back of her hand, she wiped the tears from her face before gripping tightly onto Remus' hand, a look of pure happiness covering her exhausted face. He grinned back at her, his own eyes filling with happy tears as realisation washed over him. He was a father now. A father to a little baby girl. 

"Here she is," The doctor's voice broke both Remus and Cass out of their thoughts. The latter of the two dropped their hands before she sat up eagerly, completely ignoring the pain her body was still in; she just needed to see her baby.

Reaching out, Cassiopeia took hold of their baby girl, bringing the sleeping baby closer to her. She felt tears stinging her eyes. Using her fingers, she moved some of the pink blanket from the baby's face. As if the newborn sensed her mother's movements, she opened her big eyes whilst simultaneously grabbing hold of Cassiopeia's pointer finger.

"She has your eyes," The black haired woman sniffled, looking up at Remus who was watching them with a look of pure love in his eyes.

"But she looked like the spitting image of you," Remus told her before a worrying thought entered his mind. Turning to the doctor, he looked at her worriedly, "Is she...?"

The doctor sent him a small smile, her eyes holding a look of pity to them, "We don't know," She said truthfully, "It doesn't seem that she is, but nothing can be fully determined until the Full Moon."

Cassiopeia finally looked up from their baby, she reached one hand over to her fiancé, locking their fingers together, "I don't think she is," She said with a reassuring smile, "Do you want to hold her?"

Remus' eyes widened but he nodded. Forgetting about the whole lycanthropy situation, he sat down besides his fiancé whilst the doctors exited the room; giving the happy family some space. As gently as he could, he took his baby girl from Cass' arms, holding her as close to his chest as he could, "She's so beautiful," He breathed out, his voice wavering with emotions.

As the family of three stayed huddled together, the door to the room creaked open ever so slightly. When the doctor left, she had informed the group of friends that were pacing up and down the corridors that it was okay to go and see the baby now, and they really didn't need to be told twice as they practically sprinted past the doctor and nurses until they reached the right room.

Peeking their heads in, their hearts melted at the scene in front of them. Cassiopeia was laid in the bed, her hair up in a messy bun at the back of her head, she looked tired but the smile from her face radiated happiness. Remus was sat up next to her, one of his arms around her shoulders and the other holding the finest baby any of them had ever laid eyes upon, wrapped in a pink blanket.

"Can we come in?" Sirius' voice finally gained their attention.

"Of course," Cassiopeia nodded without hesitation, grinning at her friends and brother as they entered the room as quietly as they could, shutting the door behind themselves.

"It's a girl?" James asked, looking kind of skeptically at the couple.

Remus nodded.

"Shit," The spectacled man groaned causing everyone's eyes to widened as they watched him reaching into his pocket and begrudgingly taking out a few coins. Cassiopeia and Remus shared a look of disbelief when they saw Sirius grinning, extending his hand for the coins.

"You bet on the gender?" Remus asked, looking between his best friends with a look of disbelief.

"Sorry, mate," James grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck before groaning in pain when Lily slapped his arm. 

"Whatever, I don't care," Cassiopeia waved her hand. Nothing could wipe the smile off of her face, "But you better never swear in front of her ever again," She added, pointing at James who threw his arms in the air.

"I won't. I promise."

"Great. Now do you want to hold your Goddaughter?"

"Well, duh!" James exclaimed, practically running over to them, grinning from ear to ear. 

Cassiopeia watched with a soft smile as Remus took his arm from her. Using both of his hands, he gently passed their bundle of joy over to James; who was now seated in a chair, looking as excited as a child on Christmas morning. 

"So, have you thought of a name yet?" Sirius asked, walking over to the other side of his sister, pulling her into a tight hug, "Sirius would sound great for a girl."

Cassiopeia flicked his chest before shaking her head, "We're not naming our baby girl after you," She told him, moving her head so she could make eye contact with her fiancé. They had spoken about names a couple of weeks ago, and there were two names that really stuck out to them but they didn't want to tell anyone just incase they changed their minds when the baby was born, "We're not naming our baby after stars. Any stars," She added, grinning at Remus.

"So, what's her name then?" Liv asked as all of their friends looked at them with excited expressions, awaiting for the big reveal.

"Hazel Ivy Lupin."

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