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THINGS HAD BEEN EXTREMELY BUSY at the Lupin-Black household since the birth of baby Hazel. Cassiopeia and Remus had to learn how to balance being parents whilst working for the Order, and it certainly wasn't easy, but worth it. Coming home to see that little toothless smile on Hazel's face as she cuddled up to her grandfather was too pure for the world. 

A few months after she was born, Molly Weasley gave birth to twins, Fred and George. Two of the most mischievous babies in the entire world. Whenever you would turn your back to them, they'd try shimmering away, not to mention all of the times they had snuck out of their cribs at night. Cassiopeia had gone over to the Weasley's countless times, both by herself and with baby Hazel and Remus, it was nice having someone there who could help her whenever she felt like she wasn't a good enough mother; no matter how many times Remus had told her that she was, in fact, the best mother anyone could ever ask for. 

She couldn't help but feel guilty as she got all dolled up; putting on her best clothes, which  - thanks to Remus - still fit like a glove. It was Regulus' graduation day and she had made a promise to him that she would be there and everybody Cassiopeia Black was never one to break a promise, especially not one to her baby brother.

"You look beautiful, love," Remus' voice snapped her out of her thoughts, she turned around, grinning when she spotted the two loves of her life in the doorway, "Doesn't mummy look beautiful?" He cooed, gesturing to Cassiopeia. 

Instantly, Hazel clapped her hands and began to giggle.

"I think that means she agrees," Remus grinned, looking back up at Cass.

"I love you two so much," The black haired woman said in a soft voice, walking over to her fiancé and daughter. Hazel held her hands out and Cassiopeia instantly grabbed her from Remus, balancing her on her hip. She pressed a soft kiss on Hazel's forehead, smiling when the little infant giggled and began to chew on her long black locks, "Is someone hungry?" Cassiopeia asked softly, pulling her hair to the other side and away from Hazel's mouth.

"She just ate," Remus chuckled, watching the two, a smile tattooed on his face, "I think you're just dessert."

"Well, I'm honoured," Cassiopeia chuckled, "Are you two going to be okay? I can stay home."

Remus rolled his eyes playfully. For almost a full week Cassiopeia had been worrying about leaving them, no matter how many times he reassured her they'd be okay and that she needed to go and see her brother graduate because if she were to miss that, she would never forgive herself, "Cass, we've talked about this already."

"I know," Cassiopeia grinned sheepishly as she cuddled her baby girl tighter, "I'm just going to miss you two."

Remus reached his hand out, moving a lose strand of her black hair from her eyes, before letting his hand rest on her cheek. He watched as she closed her eyes for a brief second, her face subconsciously moving closer into his touch, "We'll miss you too, but you're still going. Imagine all the cuddles you're going to get from Hazel when you get back."

Cassiopeia grinned, chuckling softly, "You're right. You're always right."

"I know, now come on love, you don't want to be late," He moved closer to take Hazel when Cassiopeia suddenly moved back.

"One second," She giggled nervously. Turning her head to the side, she placed a dozen kisses on the infant's face and head, causing Hazel to giggle profusely at her mum's behaviour, "I love you so much," She pressed a final kiss on Hazel's forehead before finally passing her back to Remus, "And I love you as well," Cassiopeia grinned, thanks to her heels she didn't even need to go on her tip-toes as she pressed a kiss to Remus' lips, chuckling when Hazel pushed her hand in-between them.

"I love you too, now off you pop."


CASSIOPEIA FELT ECSTATIC AS SHE watched Regulus running over to her. He had finally graduated Hogwarts and by the look on his face, he couldn't be happier. She let out a squeal as he lifted her in the air, twirling her around as they laughed together.

"You need to stop growing," Cassiopeia told him when he finally set her back down, a proud smile on her face as she looked up at her younger brother; who was far too tall, "Literally."

"You really are a mum, aren't you," He chuckled.

"You have no idea how excited Hazel is that she's going to be able to spend more time with her - don't tell Sirius - favourite uncle," Cass grinned, nudging Regulus' side playfully.

"I can't wait to see her," He grinned, however, Cassiopeia could see a look of worry flash through his eyes, but as he opened his mouth to speak he was rudely interrupted.

"Cassiopeia Black."

"Well, fuck me," The black haired woman groaned. She spotted the saddened look that washed over Regulus' face before he looked down at his feet. She squeezed his arm before finally working up the courage to turn around, coming face to face with her worst nightmare, "Walburga. Orion."

"I heard you birthed a bastard child," Walburga sneered, an amused glint in her eyes when she noticed the fire in Cass', "Was the father that filthy half-breed?"

Cassiopeia clenched her jaw, she was ready to lunge at the woman but for Regulus' sake, she wasn't going to make a scene at his graduation. He definitely felt the anger radiating off her and was quick to grab her hand, trying to bring her some comfort. Much to his surprise - and to their parent's surprise too - Cassiopeia smiled, "I did. We named her Walburga, actually."

Oh, how she wished she had a camera on her to capture the look on Walburga's face, "If you'll excuse us, we've got to go now. Walburga needs feeding," With that, she gripped Regulus' hand tighter as the two siblings walked off, biting their tongues to stop the laughter that bubbled in their throats.

Walking further away, they couldn't contain themselves anymore and broke into a loud laugh, one that made them double over and tear up. Regulus looked at his sister in amazement, "You are incredible."

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