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CASSIOPEIA DID LITERALLY EVERYTHING SHE could to keep herself away from the Marauders on the journey back to Hogwarts. Everything meaning she hid out in the bathroom, smoking and sitting, waiting hours and hours before finally exiting the moment the Hogwarts Express got to Hogsmeade. She jumped into the first carriage she spotted, sitting with some second year Ravenclaws; who were practically paler than ghosts as they sat in silence, worried as to why the sixth year Slytherin princess was sitting with them. 

With her sunglasses gone, Cass did everything to keep her head down. She did everything she could to get rid of the black eye on her face, however, nothing apart from those sunglasses worked, so now, she kept her short hair as a curtain as she sat besides Regulus, ignoring the Sorting. She could feel eyes practically drilling holes in her, and she very well knew who they belonged to, but she did everything in her power not to look up, even after the Feast began. 

"She's acting strange," Peter commented, stuffing his face with some roast potatoes.

The three other Marauders refused to eat, sick feelings were settled in their stomachs as they watched Cassiopeia's strange behaviour from the Gryffindor table. She didn't eat. She didn't drink. She didn't even move over to the Hufflepuff table. Instead, she stayed sitting there, her head down, occasionally muttering a word or nodding at her younger brother. 

"Yeah, you don't say, Wormtail," James replied bitterly.

"What happened between you two?" Sirius questioned, turning his attention to Remus.

The werewolf finally peeled his eyes from his girlfriend to look at Sirius, "Nothing bad," He said, a faint blush dusted his cheeks, "We had a lot of fun. Like I said earlier, she stopped replying after the last Full Moon."

The Marauders all frowned. It wasn't unusual for Cass to be quiet after coming back from home or slightly more reserved, but they had never seen her acting this way and it was definitely scaring them. 

"Do you think this has something to do with your parents?" James suggested, taking his eyes off the Slytherin girl to look at Sirius, "Oh, I don't think, I know," The grey eyed boy replied bitterly, "Who else would it because of?"

"Regulus?" Peter suggested.

Both Sirius and Remus shook their heads, "She's sat with him," The werewolf stated.

"Exactly, plus they're closer than anything," The grey eyed boy added, "If something was up between them, they would've already sorted it out."

"Plus..." James added, "It wouldn't give her a reason to ignore us or Liv, would it? I didn't see her anywhere on the train."

"Yeah, neither did I," Remus frowned deeply, his sad eyes looked between his girlfriend and his best friends, "And I patrolled it more times than I was suppose to."

"Look, she's leaving," Peter suddenly told them, his eyes wide as he gestured to the Slytherin girl.

Remus, James and Sirius all turned back to look at her. They were expecting her to walk towards the Hufflepuff table, but instead she seemed to be making her way over to the double doors, her head still down. 

"Let's go talk to her," James suggested. Simultaneously, the four boys shot out of their seats and rushed towards the doors, only getting stopped by Lily Evans just before they reached them, "Remus, we've got to take the first years to the dormitory," The redhead called out.

The Marauders stopped walking as Remus' eyes suddenly widened with realisation, "Oh crap," He muttered, suddenly feeling annoyed at the new responsibility.

"Listen, Lily, think you can let him go this once," James was the first one to break the silence, his usual flirty smile wasn't so wide, "Please."

Lily's green eyes widened in shock. Not only had James called her by her name, but he also said 'please' a word she had never heard coming out of his lips. The Gryffindor girl glanced back at Remus, noting the distressed look on his face, "Is this about Cass?"

"What do you know about that?" Sirius asked before Remus could.

"She was smoking in the train bathrooms all journey," The redhead replied, she noticed just how anxious all four boys looked. She had never seen them like that before, "You guys go, Remus too. I can do this alone."

"Thank you, Lily," Remus said, a thankful smile on his face. He didn't wait for her reply as he practically sprinted out of the Great Hall, the rest of the Marauders hot on his heels. When they finally exited, they spotted Cassiopeia turning a corner far from them and without a second thought, they rushed after her. 

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